Game Over fantasy/The Minotaur's Gauntlet : Third encounter Game Over

From Create Your Own Story

You rush for cover and slide quickly behind a box. Without wasting time and with a swift motion, your bow is in your arm and you let loose an arrow towards the large spider. You hit the creature and prepare to reposition when you suddenly trip, your feet stuck in something. As you turn around, you see your feet caught in sticky webs.

You struggle to free yourself but you see the dark frame of the monster rushes you rapidly. It obviously didn't like you poking it with an arrow. You try to draw but it's already too late as the monster is already on you and stings you right back.

The monster bite at your side, inserting two fangs into your side. You feel the stings for a few second but the pain quickly fades. Instead, a strange heat burning at your side. Your head starts to spin and you realize this spider is venomous... You try to struggle but it is already too late. You feel your arms and legs becoming numb. As your vision blurr and you succumb to the poison, you strangely don't see the spider be any more hostile. Or maybe you don't feel the next bite. You are not sure.

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