Game Over fantasy/The Minotaur's Gauntlet : Helplessly raped by the minotaur

From Create Your Own Story

The orc carries you down a wet and dark corridor lit up by torches. You gave up struggling as all it earned you was getting your ass spanked and it's already become pink from the ordeal, not that the orcs seems to mind.

You pass by a strange storage room and finally the minotaur opens up a prison gate and walks down another corridor before you reach a natural cavern. You see an altar to the goddess of monster but also you see the object of your quest, a bowl filled with gold minted coin. You were meant to bring one of these back as proof of your ordeal, although that is proving mightly difficult right now. The orc passes by the altar and you quickly see where they are taking you. Next to the altar are a bunch of crates and notable a battered pillory. You struggle once more but the orc have none of it. The green humanoid quickly hoist you off his shoulder and then bend you to stick your head in the wooden torture device. When your hands and head are sticking out to the other side, they close the wooden device on your neck, trapping you there. Your leg receive similar treatment as your legs are spread in a wide V and another wooden lock is slapped around your ankle, keeping you stuck in this position. You groan and struggle against your bonds. With this, the orcs simply abandons you there as you see them walk back the way they came in. You yell at them fruitlessly to free you but you soon stop hearing them.

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