Furry World/Male Dragon-Rabbit/The meeting is about to begin

From Create Your Own Story

Barbara walks in a few minutes early and props the door open. "Hi Ron. How ya doing?"

You wave back. "Pretty good. Got to meet Jim and Valerie after the tour."

The snow leopard smiles. "That's good. Jim's kind of an odd one, but you'll like him as soon as you get to work with him. And Valerie is really sweet."

So I noticed, you think to yourself. "She is. We had a nice talk, got to know each other a bit." Fooled around, I got her off, etc..

Your mom walks in next and comes over to hug you. "Heya Ronnie. How's your day been so far?"

You smile and hug her back. "Been good! Barbara gave me an offer, and I couldn't refuse it."

She looks delighted. "Yaay! I knew you'd get the job!"

You beam with pride. "And I got to meet Jill and Rebecca, the A/V guy in their studio... uh, what was his name?"

Barbara chimes in. "That was Rob."

"Rob, that's it. I saw another rabbit and a lion upstairs, then I came back here and met Jim and Valerie."

Your mom just smiles. "A lot of people so far. I hope you had fun!" She gives you a sly wink. You're pretty sure she knows what kind of fun you probably had.

Jill and Rebecca walk in together, dressed in regular street clothes. Jill is wearing a red t-shirt with some sort of sports team logo, and Rebecca has on a white tank top with a gym logo. They wave first to Barbara and Jenny, then to you. "Hi Ron! Thought we'd see you again today."

You wave back to them. Then you see a short, stocky badger walk in, wearing an old, worn-out cardigan sweater and a pair of glasses. "Hi, girls," he says simply.

Rebecca turns and glares at the badger. "Bill! Where were you this morning? We had to cancel our shoot!"

Barbara walks over. "No, no, Becky. Bill and I talked. Everything's fine. We'll do the shoot in a couple days."

Bill looks a little sheepish. "Sorry, girls. There was a big accident on the freeway, and I forgot to charge my phone. Barb and I got that worked out." He then takes a seat at a nearby table, only then noticing you. He nods politely in your direction.

Cheval and Rob arrive next, wave to Barbara and Jenny, nod your way, and sit with Bill. Jim follows them in and joins the table, and the four men start talking about something amongst themselves while they wait.

The black-and-white rabbit you saw in the showers earlier walks in, dressed in a pair of shorts and a blue T-shirt. She sees you right away and gives you a short, shy wave as she sits down toward the front of the room.

Next, a skunk walks in, wearing a pink skirt, fishnet stockings, a red t-shirt showing another skunk with a mohawk, and very prominent eye liner and lipstick. She's a girl with attitude, you see. She greets Barbara and your mom, then goes to take a seat near the crew table, not seeming to have noticed you at all.

The last two people to show up are Valerie, followed closely by the lion you saw in the locker room. Valerie is still dressed in her pink robe, having fixed her hair. The lion is dressed only in a pair of boxer shorts that leave very little to the imagination, and he's rather obviously looking at the cat's tail with a grin on his face. Valerie greets Barbara and Jenny, waves to some other furs, and heads over to your table. "Hey Ron, I see you've made some more friends!" She sits down next to you.

You notice the lion looking your way while talking to Barbara. He says something to her and starts strutting toward you. Valerie mutters, "Oh boy, here he comes."

He arrives and puts his hands on his hips. "Well, well, you must be the newbie." He puts his hand out. "I'm Reggie, and I'm the one everyone comes to see."

Valerie sighs, and not the good kind of sigh. You stand up and shake his hand, quickly matching his strong grip. "Hi. I'm Ron. Yeah, just started today."

Reggie shakes your hand vigorously, yanking a bit toward himself, though you keep your balance. "Are you, now? Lookin' to get it on with the ladies, eh?" He sneers just a little. You glance to Valerie, who scowls at the lion but says nothing. Your own hackles begin to rise a bit - Wow, this guy's a jerk, you think to yourself.

Barbara taps the lion on the shoulder. "Reg, no harassing the new guy. Take a seat."

Reggie sticks his tongue out at the snow leopard. "Ah, I'm just joshing him, Barb. It's all good. Right, Ron?" You nod, taking your chair again, and he grins with a bit of a sneer. "See you later, hotshot." He goes and sits down next to the skunk.

Barbara shrugs to the three of you, says something to your mom, then clears her throat and says, "Well, I think everyone's here now, so let's get started."

Furry Status (you)
Health 100 Equipment:

Man stuff

Gender Male
Species Dragon-Rabbit

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