Fuck it, you're a sick dude.

From Create Your Own Story

Now, you're not going to eat it, that's stupid. It's horse shit, why would you. However... you wanna try something very, very, very, very, very, very, very perverted. A fetish you haven't tried yet.

Fucking manure.

As the horse begins to release her bowls, you quickly unzip your pants and pull your boxers out to catch any horse shit you can get. You feel the warm manure around your crotch, it feels like something you've never felt before. It's almost like a ice-pack for your member, the heat soothing the pain you're getting from it. The smell isn't pleasant at all, but what would you expect?

Once the horse is done, you begin putting your hand in your shit filled boxers, beginning to stroke your member like the manure is a fresh hot vagina. You kept stroking yourself faster and faster, trying your best to cum from the fucked-up experience you're giving yourself. You push yourself against the back of the stall wall as you continue, and even fall to the ground onto your butt as your heart races and body shakes. After a couple of minutes, you finally cum, feeling your hot liquid mix with the shit.

As your member twiches from the release and the pain goes away, you look over your crotch. The shit has gone down your legs, into your pants, and it all over your stomach. Your crotch is nothing but brown, and you can feel the manure all over your member, balls, and even ass cheeks. The Dun horse looks over to you, almost like it's wondering what you've done.

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