Flee into the interior of the building with Conquest and find a spot to regroup

From Create Your Own Story

As soon as you both can stand, the two of you quickly run into the interior of the building and don't stop until you're certain the archons have lost your trail.

"Shit," Conquest mutters as he adjusts his glasses. "Why did you have to do that for? The water can't kill me."

"It was a reflex," you explain. "Couldn't you fight them off then?"

"I'm useless without my rifle," he sighs. "If they attack me under conventional means, I'm fucked. We've got to get out of here."

Taking his advice, you and Conquest hurry outside of the building and onto the campus grounds. Almost immediately, you encounter War and Death.

"Did you find her?" you ask.

"No," War responds. "We knew something was wrong. What happened here?"

"Bastards tried to ambush us," Conquest tells him. "My weapon is still at the top of the building. I lost it trying to get away."

"We got this," Death grins as she draws her handguns. "They won't know what hit them."

"We're coming right back with your weapons," War cautions you and Conquest. "Stay where you are, we don't want to come looking for you."

The duo head into the building. A few minutes pass as you wait for their return. That's when you catch sight of her. The girl passes by you, heading off into the distance.

Conquest looks at you, not certain what to do.

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High School Jogger
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