Downfall/Talk with Cate about the barkeeper R4 D3 F0 T2B A2 1B

From Create Your Own Story

You are having too much fun to call it quits now. It has been a long time since only the two of you had an evening alone, without the families. Will is going to fine; maybe the dating app will help him succeed anyway, and if not: tomorrow is another day.

"Is she your type?" Cate continues in her low voice.

"She is beautiful," you have to admit. "She has that Hollywood goddess look of black and white movies."

"Must be the hairstyle. It makes a woman classy in the right setting. Too bad it isn't suitable for everyday use."

"Do you fancy her as well?"

"How could I? I am a married woman."

"That means yes."

"Well, you know," she says, now in a normal voice again. She wiggles her hand around to emphasize her statement. The barkeeper turns your head towards your table; Cate's movement caught her attention.

"Are you enjoying your stay on the world's best cruise ship?" she asks.

State of Clothing Blue Dress; Panties; Ballet Flats


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