D&D: FHR: Go to Julius's room

From Create Your Own Story

You sneak towards the door Julius left open. As you take a peek inside, you see the well-toned warrior stripping off his shirt. His muscled chest is bare.

You blush a little and stay there as you watch him undo his belt and get comfortable. You drool a little and bite your lips a bit, having a hard time not just jumping him.

After a bit, he looks up at see you standing at the door. He smiles at you: "See anything you like ?" he taunts.

You blushes a bashfully respond: "Maybe..." your blood is boiling. The heat is rising up your loins... You desire him now...

He continues to flaunt himself nonchalantly in front of you, as if you weren't there.

After a bit of you peeping on him, he says with a grin. "You know.. It's not fair that your the only one getting a show. Why don't you come in?"

Do you...

D&D: FHR: Lock the door behind you and spend the night with Julius

D&D: FHR: Mumble an apologies and sneak away while you still can

D&D: FHR: Flirt with him, then ask him about agreeing to bathe with Jurani

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