D&D: FEW Sailing to Calimshan: 4th day: skip the day

From Create Your Own Story

D&D: FEW Sailing to Calimshan: 5th day: skip the day

This is your fifth day now. You wake up, your pussy glistening a little from expectation of the day's task. Nonetheless, you get up and bath, resisting the urge to masturbate all morning. You put on your skimpy little enchantress clothes and heads down to see Carlig or Sudan. Either are bound to have something fun for you to do today again. When you walk, you see the glares of the sailor, smiling obviously at you and you wink at them back. Being the only apparent female on board has it's perk. you get a lot of attention.

Heading to the bridge you see Carlig and Sudan, both talking to each other. You catch a glimpse of their conversation :"We should be reaching Baldur's gate tomorrow. We need to resupply and gets a few parts for the sail before it breaks down.. Oh hello there. Good morning." Sudan says with a grin.

"Hi." you ask joyfully.

Carlig turns to you and smile as well :" It seems it was a good idea to bring you along. Morale has never been that high." he grins and you blushes a little.

"Are you looking for something to do ?" the two asks almost at the same time.

You nods quickly.

D&D: FEW Sailing to Calimshan: 5th day: Sudan has a special performance for you

D&D: FEW Sailing to Calimshan: 5th day: Carlig have a special task for you today

D&D: FEW Sailing to Calimshan: 5th day: The two look at each other and asks you to follow them

D&D: FEW Sailing to Calimshan: 5th day: You take the initiative and drag them to your room

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