Continue slowly moving forward, letting them know that you must be on your guard.

From Create Your Own Story

"I shall not!" You carefully and slowly approach the taller one. Suddenly, you feel the arms of the little one grasping your body from behind, holding you in place with surprising tenacity.

"I've got her, mum!" The little one declares as you struggle against her. To your surprise, her "mum" is suddenly very close to you, brandishing her crooked claws.

"Excellent, Pollie. Let the feast begin!" Before you can even reach to draw your blades you feel an abrupt sickening feeling in your stomach. As you look down, you see that the mother has easily torn open your belly, allowing your guts to spill upon the snow. You vomit as your eyes roll back into your head, your body collapsing to the ground and trembling like a leaf. As you cling to life you feel your intestines slowly starting to be unraveled by the little one.

"Here's my favorite part, mum!" She gleefully chomps into your intestines, causing you to shriek uncontrollably. With every bite you can't help but let out some loud noise in response to the immense pain. The little one giggles with joy at your every scream, her mother standing proudly and watching her feast.

"That's my girl!" the mother proclaims. As the night goes on, they continue to feast upon your body as you die slowly. Once you finally pass away, the little one pouts at the fact that she can no longer hear your screams as she eats you.

~Victoria Is Dead~

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