Choose your own Naruto Adventure- Team Gai all the way

From Create Your Own Story

You decide that you want to stick closer to Gai's team, despite Neji's earlier objections.

"I think I'll tag along in the back." You say.

"Excellent!" Gai flashes you a glitzy smile and a thumbs up.

"But...there's a teeny little problem..." You laugh nervously.

"Oh?" Gai looks at you.

"As much as I hate to admit it...Neji was right before..." Neji shifts around and seems to be interested in what you have to say.

"I am not a ninja, I won't be able to keep up with you." You grudgingly admit.

"Hmmm...that is a problem." Gai admits as the others just look on in silent observation.

"Gai-sensei!!!" Lee steps up in front of his mentor. "I can offer a solution to that problem!"

"Yes, Lee?"

"It would also prove to be excellent training for the journey!" Lee continues, growing more and more enthusiastic as the idea takes root in his mind.

'Why do I have a bad feeling about this...' you think to yourself.

"I could carry her on my back! That way we are not slowed down and I get to challenge myself!" Lee proclaims.

Your eyebrow twitches.

The other girls are trying not to laugh and it almost looks like Neji feels sorry for you.

"That..." Gai begins.

'Is he going to come up with a better idea?' You hope.

"That is an excellent idea, Lee!!! This is why you are my most beloved pupil!!!"



They flash each other their glitzy smiles and two thumbs up.

You start taking a few steps back.

"Come on now I-Im sure we could come up with an alternati-" You are interrupted when Lee hoists you onto his back and starts running and leaping away, everyone else has set out themselves and all you can do is hold onto the bushy-browed ninja's shoulders to keep yourself from falling off.

You are amazed at how fast Lee is able to travel considering the extra baggage he is carrying.

You must have dozed off at some point because you are being poked into consciousness by Naruto.

"Kimiko-chan, you awake yet?" He asks you, still poking your side.

"Naruto-kun?" You say sleepily.

"Kimiko-chan you can let go of bushy-brows now." Naruto tells you.

You then realize you are still clinging to Lee's back.

"Ah!" You jump back, stumble but are able to maintain your balance.

"I'm sorry Lee, I didn't realize...I hope I wasn't too much of a burden..." You laugh nervously.

"It was my pleasure, Kimiko-san, you are much lighter than you look." Lee responds.

"Thanks...I think. You reply and look to the sky. "Wow...dark already."

"Kimiko-san." Sakura approaches you. "We are setting up camp here and..." She pauses as she gets a good look at you.

"What's wrong?" You ask.

"Eh, there's a spring nearby, you should be able to get a look at your reflection there." She tells you with a little smile.

"Okay..." You walk over to the place Sakura indicated, kneel by the water and lean over to get a look at yourself.

It is the first time you had actually gotten a chance to check out what exactly it is you look like in the Naruto world, but you don't have a lot of time to dwell on that when you catch sight of your hair.

"Gah!!!" Your hair is going off in every possible direction and to make it worse it has twigs and leaves tangled through it.

You hastily start yanking the offensive material out, maybe a little too hard.

"Itai..." You groan.

"Having some trouble?" A girl's voice asks.

You turn around to see Temari observing you with a flat expression.

"Just a little..." You admit and return to...grooming yourself.

A second pair of hands join yours and glancing from the corner of your eye you see Temari helping you.

"I'm sorry..." You whisper.

She remains silent.

"You could be travelling so much faster if it wasn't for-"

"Stop apologizing, it's annoying." Temari snaps, but softens her tone as she continues, "If you are able to prevent Gaara from getting hurt...that's all that matters..."

You remain silent as she plucks the last twig from your hair.

"Besides...I don't think we would have been able to get any further than we did today anyway, with or without you." She adds.

"Thank you..." You respond as you finger-comb your hair.

You return to camp and see everyone busy making various preparations...well, sort of...Kakashi is reading his book while Gai is trying to challenge him, Naruto is poking around the fire with a stick, Lee is trying to outdo Neji in whatever he is doing and the only people who seem to be getting anything done are the two girls Sakura and Tenten.

"Need some help?" You offer.

"God, yes!" Tenten exclaims.

So you along with Temari help out and eventually, everyone is gathered around the campfire.

An uneasy silence settles around you.

"So, Kimiko." Kakashi starts. "Perhaps you could tell us more about our opponents?"

You nod, "Of should know that there are two Akatsuki members who will be attempting to kidnap Gaara..."

And you begin explaining about Sasori and Deidara, their various abilities and their intentions towards the Jinchuriki.

Naruto tenses.

"Kimiko...I know Tsunade instructed us not to ask could you come by such information?" Neji inquires.

All eyes are on you.

"I...have my sources." You reply carefully.

"I just find it hard to believe that a person who is not even a ninja could be capable of possessing such dangerous knowledge and not be targeted by the Akatsuki." Neji continues.

"Well, they can't target me if they don't know..." You respond.

"I must admit, I am curious as well..." Kakashi adds. "But...if it's the truth, where you got your information from does not really matter. He smiles...or at least you think he's smiling, he has 'happy eyes', so you assume he is.

"Is there anything more you can tell us?" Temari asks.

"Yes...I...have reason to believe that someone within the Sand Village is an Akatsuki agent." You continue.

"What?!" Temari is stunned.

You proceed to explain the matter, careful to present what you know as 'proposed theories'.

"Anything else?" Gai wants to know.

"No...that is all."

"Let's call it a night then...we head out early tomorrow." Kakashi tucks his book away.

Having gotten a 'nap' earlier, you aren't feeling too tired, so you have time to think and reflect on what has happened to you so far...and you can't help but wonder...should you continue to stay on the path of the good...or feed your inner (metaphoric) demon and perhaps consider helping the Akatsuki...after have information they might be interested in themselves.

Two days of travel go by, during which the others warm up to you a little more. Lee takes it upon himself to teach you some taijutsu during your breaks, it helps that you knew some basic self-defense prior to this, but not much. Even Neji gives you a couple of pointers. Tenten shows you how to properly handle kunai and shuriken, while Sakura lectures you on the code of the ninja. You find the whole experience very exciting and take everything in with enthusiasm, you have made some astounding progress by the end of the two days, Temari has also taught you how to mold chakra. Even the senseis have to admit that if you keep at it, you can potentially become a decent ninja.

After those two days, you arrive at the village...and it is time to face the music.

Help the Sand Village P17

Weasel into the Akatsuki P18

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