Become a model

From Create Your Own Story

1. Get work doing nude/near-nude modelling, tweaking minds so they forget the particulars, but remember you as beautiful.

2. Soon hired as a regular actress, playing a lesbian schoolgirl extra in some school romance, get to know one of the guy actors, who introduces you, at a party, to a handsome American diplomat. (Daniel, American, 16)

3. Become more successful, have star role in hit movie by 17th birthday, kiss Daniel.

4. War in Korea, Daniel signs up, promise to wait for him and give advice.

5. Become international hyperstar, yet stay single and true to Daniel. His ship goes down at one point, and you think he's lost, but he's eventually found on a deserted island, with another castaway.

6. Ends in the happy marriage of Ms. Susan Deneker and Lieutenant Daniel Cutter, til death does you part.

Bad endings;

-Hook up with the other lesbian schoolgirl

-Snub George on first meeting

-Be too slow or too fast with George on your birthday

-Give wrong advice at last meeting

-Don't be faithful

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