Baby Burner

From Create Your Own Story

"Baby Burner!" shouts Agumon X after it held a fireball within its jaws for a few seconds, as if building up its energy, before firing it out towards a dodging Betamon a few seconds later, causing a small explosion on the cobblestone floor. "Baby Burner!"

The Betamon X manages to leap past quite a few of Agumon's attacks, but the Baby Burners' explosive nature causes Betamon X to be in quite a pinch. It is not vulnerable on its own, too, as it fires its own attacks, seemingly more powerful than the normal, standard Betamon attacks, too.

"Electric Shock 185V"! shouts Betamon X, before a spherical field of electricity is generated from its slimy body. The field of electricity then forms into a single lightning bolt and strikes towards Agumon X. Fortunately, it is quick to dodge as well. Nevertheless, Betamon X's attack, like Baby Burner, leaves an explosive cloud of dust as well.

The battle seems to get more intense as you cheer alongside Agumon x. As you watch, however, you notice that more parts of the road are getting destroyed as the two mutated Digimon are battling it out. You reach out your tiny palm, trying to stop them, but do not know how to, especially when both becomes more aggressive.

Just when it seems that the whole town is going to get destroyed, a powerful voice calls out to the both opponents locked in battle. "Enough!" it yells, the voice echoes throughout the town.

You turn to look at the source of the voice and see Monzaemon , whose voice not many would consider to be exactly 'powerful' running in your direction. Then, you notice Leomon, sprinting alongside Monzaemon as it pulls its sword out of the sheath attached to the back of its waist. Both X Digimon stop, with Betamon X knowing that as powerful as it might be compared to normal versions of Betamon, a fight with Leomon and Agumon X together would prove to be a much more difficult one.

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