Ask who else you can spy on

From Create Your Own Story

Interested to see who else Sam has hacked and is spying on you ask him who else he been watching.

‘Just a few different guys from around the school’ he says shyly

‘Show me then ‘ you demand. Sam looks at you with a guilty look on his face as he clicks to the neck laptop cam he has hacked into.

‘Don’t worry I’m not going to tell anyone’ you say reassuring him.

The next cam that he has switched to isn’t showing much just a messy bedside table in a dimly light room, he clicks again on to the next one and it’s just a black screen the laptop must be closed over, he hits the button again and you see a room you recognise, it’s Paul whitewalls bed room you know him you both worked on a science project together last year and you spent some time in his bedroom working on it. His room is clean and tide but the door is closed and it looks like nobody is in the room.

Sam hits the button again and the next cam shows a room you know all to well ... it’s your bedroom! You left you laptop open and sitting on the desk in your bed room facing your bed.

‘That’s my room !what the hell !! ‘ you blurt out ‘You have been spying on me too ? Oh my god ... what have you seen ?’ You ask in a raised tone of voice

Panicking, Sam’s face becomes flush and he struggles to get his words out ‘nothing ... well not much’

You don’t know how to feel it was hot the idea of spying on other guys but now you know he has invaded you privacy you feel conflicted.

‘You have seen me naked ? .... oh god you have seen me jacking off haven’t you ?’ You ask as you realise you jack off to gay porn almost daily

Sam replies with a head nod and a quiet ‘yeah’

Do you get angry. grab the laptop and take it with you home


Tell Sam that if he has seen naked you then you want to see him naked in return

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