Confrontation, stay quiet and let the siblings talk, M

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Nathan's stoic expression faltered for a moment, a flicker of confusion and concern surfacing in his eyes. He straightened his posture, a steely determination settling over him. "What are you talking about?" he asked, his voice steady but tinged with a hint of anger.

Tyler took a deep breath, her fingers itching slightly as she reached for her glass of water.

Tyler's words finaly hit Nathan like a slap. Mr. Johnson? Alex and Mr. Johnson?

His stomach churned as flashes of them together bombarded his mind. Alex's secretive smiles, the extra credit assignments, the ride home Mr. Johnson had given him once. It all made a twisted kind of sense and Nathan had to swallow just to stop the bile rising in his throat.

Nathan slammed his fist on the table, rattling the plates. You jump at the sudden outburst, gasping and trying to hide it behind your hands that cup your mouth. "That pervert! He's supposed to be a teacher. Alex is his syudent, for God's sake!"

Tyler gripped your shoulder seeing your sudden panic and wanting to offer comfort. "We-well don't know the whole story. Maybe Alex-"

"Maybe Alex what? Seduced him?" He scoffed. "He's a kid, Ty. Johnson is in a position of power over him."

Alex's gaze settled on Nathan, glacial but overtly trying not to let it slip into his town. He let the words come out lazy. "I'm not a child. I'm old enough to make my own decisions about who I wind up fucking." His words were drowsy ... But you could see the hurt in his eyes. The betrayal.

You had told his secret, spilled his confidence, and now he was drowning in the consequences. Guilt flooded you, but you pushed it away and to one side. This was too important.

"Dating? Is that what this is?" Nathan raked his hands through his hair. "He's taking advantage of you. Can't you see that?"

"The only thing I can see is that you don't trust me. Any of you." Alex stood, his chair scraping against the tiles. "I didn't ask for your opinion or your help. This is my life. Let me live it."

Nathan stood as well, moving to stand beside his brother. To offer comfort or solidarity, you weren't sure. "Alex, this isn't about trust. We're worried about you. Can't you see how wrong this is?"

"The only thing wrong here is that we have someone at the table who doesn't know how to keep things to themselves" His gaze settled on you, ice and anger warring for dominance. "I thought you, at least, would understand that. You're little trysts aren't exactly looked on lovingly are they? I wonder what everyone would think if they knew how many times you'd been with someone you shouldn't have" Tyler tried to chime in, but Alex wasn't finished as he looked straight into your soul "Let he without sin, yeah? Makes me wonder how many times you've had your hand down your pants thinking about people in this house. Makes me wonder who you've been with-"

Finally Tyler is defending you as you melt into your chair.

"Alex that isn't fair. This isn't about them and you know it - you're being cruel"

Silence reigned. No one seemed to know what to say.

Your gaze dropped to the table, guilt and shame twisting your insides into knots. You understood Alex, probably better than anyone else. Understood his need to live life on his own terms, to make his own mistakes.

But you also understood Nathan's need to protect. His fear at the thought of someone taking advantage of the brother he loved. Of the power imbalance. Of the way these relationships so often ended in pain. With a grunt, Alex is slipping out of the kitchen, much to the "Stop, Alex where are you-" calling of his brother. The door creaks shut, leaving the room in a tense aftershock.

Try to follow Alex to talk to him about what's happened

You aren't sure what to say, let the siblings handle this first

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