D&D: FDS Leave the church of sins and head into skullport

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You step outside and walks out into the streets of skullport. Hidden beneath layers of earth under waterdeep, this place is only accessible through a secret waterway and other dark tunnels that eithers leads up towards waterdeep or deeper into the underdark. Despite absence of sun, this city should be renamed the city of torches. It is home of more humans then anything else and it remains lighted constantly by numerous fire.

You take a stroll towards the place and aimlessly roams some of the street, follow a path only you can think as you occasionaly do this to corrupt some of the cityfolks to the pleasure of fleshes. Not that they need much incentive. You'r favorite tavern, the elven wench seems open and lively. It's the only place that serves your favorite drink, elfwine nectar.

A little further down, you see a bunch of city official roughing up some minor group of thugs. The law here is the strongest. Strongest man gets in charge and the other keeps in line. This is the order of chaos. These officials respond to skullport's baron. The self-proclaimed thief-king.

Further down an alley you notice a nice scene. Some cute elf-girl dressed like a rogue seems to be selling her...assets to a thug. He seems to be negotiating hard by the sound of it, The scenes intrigues you lightly as you sense a very powerful good aura coming from the desperate elf.

D&D: FDS Head to the Elven wench to get a drink

D&D: FDS Sneak towards the city officials and the thugs

D&D: FDS Sneak towards the elf and the thug and eavesdrop

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