D&D: FHR: Joins Julius with the other

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You head after your fearless leader and go to the table with Arna and Jurani.

"So do we have a job?" Jurani asks.

"Might, wait for tomorow. I'l go check in with some friends in town. I'm sure someone needs something done." Julius replies.

"Hrm.. all right. I guess I'l retire early...I could use a fresh warm bath after all that travel. " Jurani responds.

You see Jurani leaning towards Julius suggestively. Despite her mumbling in a low voice so Arna doesn't hear, your sharp sense picks up her word and her sensual tone as she murmurs "I'll leave the door open..."

You see Julius blushing lightly and nodding casualy. You shake your head in dissaproval. You don't like her getting this close to Julius... As she gets up and walk towards her room, you see Julius's stare follow her. As if on cue, she waves her hips seducingly as she walks out. Luckily Arna didn't catch any of the show.

Julius looks at you and smiles at your furious face, "Calm down Shae." he says teasingly.

You sigh and sit down, focusing on your drink while Arna and Julius try to cheer you up. Arna eventually gets up and yawn sleepily before going to bed herself.

Now only leaving you and him... You can't say Julius is the love of your life... but you can't say you don't feel anything for him either. He smiles at you and offer you another drink to 'compensate' for looking elsewhere.

"You think I'm gonna accept this cheap bribe?" You ask irriatedly.

"My you'd refuse a drink ? I even called for some elven wine just for you too..." Julius teases.

You sense your blood boil. Elven wine... your favorite...

"If you're sure you don't want any..." Julius says teasingly as he begins to sips it.

You grumble and hold out your hand, grudginlgy accepting it.

"There you go..." Julius hands you the drink. He adds a smile and pat your head. You grumble and shake your head free, even though you secretly like it.

A little later that evening, Julius prepares to take his leave. "We should go to bed too. don't you think ?"

"Right..." You agree.

You finish your drink and Julius leaves the money on the table. You both go up the stairs towards your respective room. Julius step forward and reach his room, opening the door and stepping inside. You move to your door and goes to open it. Then you look the way Julius went... His door is still open... This wouldn't be your first time spending the night together.. you're not sure if he'd want to though...

D&D: FHR: Open the door to your room and get yourself some rest

D&D: FHR: Go to Julius's room

D&D: FHR: Go to Jurani's room

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