(C) Go home, and agree to meet Keisha in the morning

From Create Your Own Story

You head for the door. Keisha walks you to it.

"I'll see you in the morning," you tell her. "We'll go to school together."

Keisha giggles. "Sounds great."

You move your head to kiss her cheek, and she grabs your face, turns it and violently plants her lips against yours. "Mmmmmfffff!" you grunt, surprised by her forcefulness. Keisha's mom and dad burst into laughter.

When Keisha breaks the kiss to breathe, you take two large steps back. "I'll see you tomorrow," you say firmly.

"I was hoping you'd stay the night," she whines.

"I will eventually," you tell her. "But I don't want to rush things. Don't worry, you've won my affection."

Keisha's mom is doubled over with laughter. "This is a complete role reversal from how things are supposed to go," she gasps in between laughs. "Now let's get my daughter inside before she breaks your willpower and succeeds in getting you into her bed."

The next morning, you swing by Keisha's house. She proceeds to give you another long kiss.

"Later," you tell her. "We need to get to school now."

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