(A) Skip school and go to the Don of the local mafia's mansion and see if he has any work

From Create Your Own Story

You finally get there and knock on the front door, but unfortunately his asshole butler answers the door "Who might I say is at the door sir?" You've been here thousands of times and he's answered the door for you every time, the least he could do is remember your fucking name. But you decide to go along with it "Tell the don, Connor wishes to speak with him." You hate his guts and you can tell he's not fond of you either, but it's his job to stay polite, quit or get killed "At once sir. Come on in, he's just finished a meeting." You walk straight up to the don and ask him if he's got anyone new that needs to have an unfortunate incident. "Look Connor, I'll be honest with you here. Your mother worked for me also and I have to say your so much better than her, you practically killed the competing gangs and mafia families. There just isn't much more you can do for me at this time, you've gotten me rich, especially since I don't pay you much." You filthy bastard, you sat here and got rich off of what I did but don't pay me very much? You should be next. But you decide not to tell him that but instead let your actions speak. As the saying goes, actions speak louder than words.

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