"I understand, but if Louisa is old enough to be in a bar, she's old enough to make her own decisions."

From Create Your Own Story

The tall woman laughs. "I'm just along to help guide her to the right decision."

You chuckle. "If I had bad intentions, I'd be signaling for my wingman right now."

The tall woman laughs louder. "You'd need a wing-woman. I don't go in for guys."

You turn back to your conversation with Louisa. After a pleasant half-hour, Louisa rises, along with the tall woman.

You write down your contact information and give it to Louisa. "I wouldn't mind dating you," you tell her. "And I'll look around for a woman who might like your aunt."

Louisa's aunt giggles. "That's kind of you, but I can find women on my own."

You bid them a good evening. After they depart, you finish your drink.

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