"I'm fine ,Morgan. In DRAMI with you as always" (MVR)

From Create Your Own Story

Morgan giggles gleefully whilst reading through your files yet something seems little off

" you most certainly are 'fine' I am so glad you rember myself and the Davison Research and Medical Institute"

She stops reading through your files and grabs your hand her cold blue eyes locking with yours, her face wore a serious expression

"When I dug you up feared you may have developed memory loss and for--"

You cut her off with a grin

"I could still have memory loss we dont know for sure yet"

Morgan laughs and lightly pushes your hands away from hers picking you files back up

" you dug me up?"

You ask

"yes some of the others and myself it took quite some time tracking your blood scent then digging you up, by through time we were aware you were missing...You were..."

Morgan stops and looks at you

" the state you were in all the damage the metal objects and such you were buried with--"

Seeing she's close to crying (for the many many decades you've been through you've discovered vampire crying little different to human crying) you try to thunk of a way of stopping her when you suddenly realise what it is about her that seems so off , you ask.

"Your name badge...Morgan where is it?"

Absent from her coat is the shiny well cared for name badge she always wore proudly at work that read 'Doctor Morgan Guillian M.D.'

Morgan's sighs and explains

"you have missed much in recent times ,dear Ash"

Agreeing you begin to inquire as to what

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