Throw the Cleaver at his chest and tell Hugo to hit him with the pan

From Create Your Own Story

You crank your arm back and swing, then release, and the cleaver goes flying end-over-end towards the zombie. It plunges into his ribcage and it falls to the ground wailing in pain.

"Bash him, Hugo!"

Hugo runs over and starts pounding on the zombies head, caving it in and gushing blood all over the side of the building and the sidewalk.

If anyone had been around to see, they'd be seriously freaking out, but they'd be calling the cops too... and it sure would be nice to have some police backup right now.

Hugo stands up, blood dripping from his saute-pan.

Jane looks horrified, but obviously she knew that had to be done.

"Ugh, disgusting, and how horrible.. that was a human being before.. whatever caused this zombie mutation thing.. holy shit.. Let's hurry and get to your house so we can hide!" She quickly said all in one breath, totally freaking out and trembling with terror.

"Yeah, let's get to that li'l arsenal of yours!" Hugo chimes in.

"Right" you agree.

continue onward

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