Teleport And Help Him! He's going to Die!

From Create Your Own Story

You Can't let the man die so you go there and try to help him! Everyone seems horrified (except the two M foreheads and the Kais). The M Foreheads look at you surprised, and then the small one attacks you. You Counter-Attack his Blow with a nice kidney-punch. You didn't hit him that hard and he's gasping for air! (appearently he's pretty weak, look's like he only has 1.100 power level). The Big one is in shock,then he stops sucking the man's life force and tries to punch you. He Landed it on your face, but there's no damage, He's Weak as Hell! So you just blast him away, killing him. The Kais look at you and say "What Have You Done! Now We'll Never Know Where's Babidi!" You're Confused and asks "Who?" Looks like you messed up! but at least the Spiky-Haired-Guy is alive(gasping for air but alive!)

The Spiky-Haired-guy Comes over to you and says "T-Thank You, if it weren't been for you i would probably be dead!" as Shin and Kibito Look at you Disappointed. Well it look's like the Small guy is alive! He then get's up and then flies away! Kibito immediately says "Quick! Let's Go After Him!" They Both (the kais) sset flight and Fly after Him. The Man says "We Should Probably Go After them" You Agree and Fly Towards them.

You notice that behind a few more people are going behind you. Strange. In the flight the Man says his and his dad's name , Gohan and Goku,Those names are not strange to you,you recognise those names, it's the names of the legendary fighters Shin Told you, The Legendary Super Saiyan and his son.

After a while they finnaly stop. We've reached Land and caught up to him.he stopped on an island with a lot of mountains, dirt...and corpses...What The Hell Happened Here? But what catches your eye the most is an strange looking house-thing. the last M forehead goes to the hut and there's two more people. You Glance at one of them and see that he's an M forehead as well. You see them talk a bit, something about "Super Saiyan Power" and "Awakening". The Second one, a small, old looking man appears to be unpleased and angry at M Forehead #1 He Shouts something and something fast happens. The M forehead #1 Tries to run away, and then M forehead #2 Blasts him with a ki attack, killing M forehead #1

Everyone's in shock because it appears they been working together. A third one walks out of the hut and talks a bit with the small one. M forehead #2 enters the Hut. Suddently The third one, a big, Demon-like Man, then he Looks at Kibito. You Think a bit and notice, You didn't Suppress your ki! The Demon Man Teleports In front of Kibito and then Holds his Hand in the air about to do a Annihilating Attack!

Do You...

(note:if the phrase ends with a dot, it means there's a possibility of you dying, so choose wisely!)

Stats: Status: Alive/ Outfit: Kai's clothing/ Dragonballs collected: 0/ Powerlevel: 820.000.000 (Shin's Power Level:860.000.000)/

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