Sketch her getting raped by the fanged unicorn

From Create Your Own Story

You get back to drawing in the journal, glancing back and forth between the paper and the girl beside you. Regina West. Your host's memories tell you her name is Regina West.

"Um, what are you drawing now?" Regina asks nervously.

"You," you reply. "I'm drawing you on your hands and knees. My unicorn is going to do you up your ass."

"Ew!" Regina says. "Susan! What's wrong with you?"

"Haven't you ever taken it up the ass?" you ask. "No? Then how do you know you wouldn't like it?"

The bus lurches to a stop in the school parking lot.

"You're being really gross this morning," Regina says. "Ugh. Don't talk to me until you're... normal again. And unicorns like virgins. They don't butt-rape people!"

Do you:

You are possessing:
Beautiful 14-year-old
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