Peasant - It would be interesting to see the life of a farmer.

From Create Your Own Story

Besides, it might be hard work, but you have all the time that you could possibly have. The friends, or farmers, that you meet on the way would surely help you! Freedom and free will is all that you have always desired. You breath in deeply, trying to calm your beating heart.

You find yourself in a blue room with white veins coursing through it, pulsing every few seconds. You realize that you're in the simulation itself and the astonishingly stunning Game Master appears out of a bright light. She smiles at you and you feel a sudden urge to bow down since she looked like a goddess. Her ebony, silky hair flows down her back. Her icy, blue eyes holds a strange warmth and a twinkle of amusement to them. She giggles and introduces herself as the Game Master. You couldn't help but smile, relaxing now that you found out that, though her looks may make her look godly, her personality was much like a normal girl's. Nothing could really bring you down now that you were here.

She speaks lightly, but with clarity, "Welcome to the Sengoku Basara Simulation where you will experience the life of the warring era, BASARA style! First off, what would you like to start off as?"

"A farmer," you say suddenly, surprising yourself with your definite answer. Though you can't help but wonder if being a daimyo would be more fruitful... You shrug and stare attentively at the Game Master. Her android eyes projects several blue screen on the wall behind you and you see that she has programed your name, age, and status already. She then proceeds to question you for five minutes. Five minutes was all that took for her to get the most of your personality. You are a bit amazed and glance at the Game Master for one last time.

"You are a rice farmer in Oshuu where your mother is a full-time farmer and your father is a warrior and a blacksmith." The Game Master reports, her cool voice echoing in the rather spacious room, "You have learned how to (barely) fight with help from your father and gained strength as you helped your mother out in the fields. Life is simple." With that last thought, you blank out.

You wake up in a cozy, wooden hut.

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