Offer to do Barbie's laundry if she shows you to the laundry room

From Create Your Own Story

You go through to the living room and heft the large basket of laundry you accumulated in the course of your tidying. "So do you want to show me where the laundry room is?"

"No, really," Barbie says, "you've already done so much--"

"Please, I'd like to," you say.

"You don't want your reward?" Barbie pouts.

You smile at her wolfishly. "I do, but in the laundry room."

Barbie's eyes widen for a moment. "Oh! Well, in that case, come this way ..." She's almost at the door of her apartment when she realises she's still naked. She pulls a silky pink negligee from near the top of the pile and slips it on, then leads you out of the apartment.

It turns out Barbie's apartment is only on the second floor so it's easy enough to get down to the basement. Once you get there, the laundry room proves to be deserted. One machine is spinning dutifully away but whoever's clothes are in there has obviously left it to its job for a while.

"So, here we are," Barbie says. "The laundry room. Very romantic."

"It has its advantages," you say. You start piling the laundry into a couple of different machines, keeping lights and darks separate. Finally, you pull the negligee off over Barbie's head before she really realises what you're doing, and pop it in with the lights.

"Hey!" Barbie says. "Now I'm all naked."

"Well, then, you'll have to stay here until some of your clothes are clean and dry," you say. You get the two machines going as you speak.

"Ohhh," Barbie says. "That could be a while."

"Yes, it could," you say, flicking the latch on the door.

"I wonder what we can do to pass the time ..."

Do you:

Health Horny Location:

Barbie's Laundry Room

MP 0
Level 4
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