Cover her mouth and drag her in.

From Create Your Own Story

You shove a hand over her mouth and drag her in. You find a gag in your date's purse. You also find handcuffs. You gag and cuff the milf and penetrate her ass while your date licks her vagina. After a few minutes of this, your date pulls out a 16 inch dildo. You can't believe it.

The milf goes,"MMMMMMMMMMMMM!" at the sight of it. Her eyes are scared and might just bulge from her head.

You smirk as your girl holds the woman in place. The dildo has little markings every two inches to show how much the girl can fit.

You start slowly pushing it in.

2 inches. 4 inches. 6 inches. 8 inches. 10 inches. The woman begins to start wobbling.

12 inches. The dildo starts to have more and more trouble getting in. 14 inches! Finally, the finale. You give a hard thrust. So hard, in fact, that the balls on it get in a little bit. That gives you and idea. You shove the whole thing inside of her. You then take off her gag and use it to keep the dildo inside. Amazing!

She moans. She manages to unhook her cuffs. She grabs your head and starts lickng your mouth wildly. You pass out. The next day, you wake up with an amazing story to tell.

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Health 100 Equipment:


Gender Male
Height 6 feet
Weight 195 lbs
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