Feral World

From Conworld

Feral or φλ-class Worlds are considered the most primitive of inhabited worlds in the Imperium of Man.

There are a number of possible reasons for feral worlds to develop, including long-term isolation, inadequate eco-systems or just neglect. The technological base of these worlds remains pre-black powder, and in the most backward cases the population can decline into a state of absolute savagery. Often human groups form as hunter-gatherer societies using primitive weapons and tools, and in almost all cases human culture is based around the interactions of various tribes, gangs or creeds. Additionally, the inhabitants of feral worlds are nearly always strong, tough people who possess survivalist mentalities and well-developed physical attributes. Such people are ideally suited to becoming warriors in the forces of the the Terran Empire. Occasionally the inhabitants of feral worlds have been pressed into the Terran Guard when their world lay inside a war zone, and the chosen warriors been given rudimentary training in the operation of laser or stub-weaponry. It is more common, however, for feral world natives to be selected for the various recruitment programs.

Like all Terran Worlds, feral worlds are ruled over by a Planetary Governor, although the nature of feral worlds makes this position somewhat different from that of Governorship of planets of other classes. The Governor of a feral world almost always lives apart from the natives, often taking residence in orbit if the planet is particularly dangerous and only descending to the surface in order to purge developing psychic talent or mutation in the population. Religious heresy is also a regular concern on feral worlds, especially amongst warrior-cults; constant vigilance and regular belief-modification are a necessity. Governors and permanent staff on such worlds are themselves kept under close scrutiny, in an effort to avoid the phenomenon of "going native", especially in situations where the inhabitants' belief systems have been manipulated into casting the Governor as a 'god'.

On less dangerous feral worlds, the Governors often live apart from their subjects in a single urban centre inhabited by military staff and their families. The native population usually do not interact with the outsiders and the Terran commanders leave the natives alone.

The culture shock associated with interaction with outsiders is an issue on feral worlds. Removing a feral worlder from their planet and introducing them to the wider galaxy without first engaging in careful preparation can result in madness. Successful transplantations of feral world natives into larger Terran society result in brave, combative and extremely superstitious people. Feral worlders are likely to bring customs with them that may prove to be social hindrances, such as an obsession with bones of dead comrades or the mixing and regular application of noxious-smelling warpaint. Other habits, such as manic distrust and aversion to 'witchcraft' may been seen as useful and sensible in the Terran Empire.

The population can range from 100,000 to 5,000,0000.

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