Hiigara, Colony of

From Confederacy

Hiigaran Eagle, Confederacy Flag
National Motto The Unity makes the strength
Capital City Confederacy City
Language English, Russian, Spanish, Japanese, German, French, Karseen
 - Leader
 - Representative Senate
Hiigaran Veche
Leader of Hiigaran People
Senate of Confederacy
Currency Iber (DD$)
National symbols
 • Animal

Hiigaran Eagle

Hiigaran Confederacy, Hiigara(pronounced [hiː'garɑ], alternatively: [hiː'gärɑ], [haɪ'garɑ]) is the planet where Hiigaran Tribes live, after the destruction of there home continent on Earth. Considered a jewel of a world, Hiigara is remarkably untainted by environmental damage and renowned for its beauty. During many of the major wars in recent history Hiigara was considered the singlemost important world, partially due to the fact that the prestige associated with it.


Hiigara is a beautiful world, often remarked on as a "jewel." The surface appears to be 100% dry land. The humidity of the planet is also high, with a warm climate.

It also is very geologically active, its surface well protected from radiation by the planet's magnetic field, except for an area near the north-pole that has a mysterious breach in the ozone that has turned would be tundra into barren desert, as well as several active vaults and volcanoes. Many of Hiigara's most prosperous crops are grown in volcanic soil. With such a dynamic environment much of Hiigara's geography is charecterized by tall snowcapped mountains. There is a huge plan to creat new seas and to creat huge rain forest.


Desert covers most of the surface of Hiigara, at this time, ranging from rocky desert patches near the poles to great sand seas closer to the equator. Hiigara is known to possess at least two major desert seas, possibly where pre-desert Kushan (Former name of planet) once possessed oceans. These are the Great Desert, the White Desert, and the Holy Desert.

The deserts which take up most of Higara's terrain at near seventy to eighty percent perhaps. Despite this and because of their generally inhospitable conditions the deserts are nigh uninhabited of Kushan life. Yet there is an amazingly diverse array of life displayed on Hiigara and many of the planet's most well-known beasts come from the desert. These include the skaal, the fiirkan, desert lion, etc.

There are many plans on creating huge ocean, that will take around 65% of the land, but this is a dream of Hiigarans for a better future.

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