Squad S- Joshua Isi

From Cheezs Wiki

Name: Joshua Isi

Age: 28

Sex: M

Ethnicity: Native American

Eyes: Black

Hair: Black, long, tied back.

Weight: Athletic

Height: 5'11

Physical Appearance:


Position/Job: Zombie hunter, possibly a scout.

Status: Infected

Weapon/Equipment: bow and arrows, tomahawk, bowie knife, bag containing various dried medicinal plants, wooden flute


Joshua is quiet, and usually very calm. Although polite, he isn't particularly fond of the various people at ARC, but has grown loyal to the people in his squad. He blames Western society for the current state of the world, and sees it as his duty to rid the world of the living dead. He is a deeply spiritual person, and prays for each zombie he kills, hoping to put its spirit at rest.


Joshua grew up in a small Indian town in New Mexico. His grandfather, having seen how the vast majority of young people ended up, decided to teach him the old ways, making him aware of his heritage. He taught him the Navajo way of life- how to hunt using the ancient methods, how to live in the wilderness, and much more. His grandfather died the year before the first outbreaks happened. Joshua used the skills he'd been taught to survive when many others died, and spent several years hunting the undead. One day, he found fresh vehicle tracks. He followed them. After a while, he found several dead zombies. A bit further on, he encountered a team of zombie hunters, who told him about the ARC. Although reluctant, he realised that he woukld be better off with a safe base, guaranteed supplies, ETC, so he went with them. As soon as he was processed, he volunteered to join a team of zombie hunters.

Writing Sample:

Joshua's eyes snapped open. Below him, he could hear moaning. He peeked over the ledge's edge. Three undead were below him, trying in vain to climb up the cliff to where he lay. He considered using his bow, but decided not to waste ammunition- he'd have to move fast, and there may not be time to recover any lost arrows. Instead, he grabbed a loose rock, about the size of his head, and hurled it at the first ghoul. There was a crunch, and it fell. He looked around for more rocks, found some and threw those too. The other two died just as easily as the first. Joshua did a quick prayer for the spirits of the three he had just re-killed, then started gathering up his things. It didn't take long. Soon, he had climbed down the wall of the slot canyon, and was moving away from his previous location. He had to be fast. Now that he'd been found, more would come soon.

Quote: -

Favorite Colour: Green

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