Plain and Simple

From Caelwiki

[13:54] *** Falerin has joined #755.
[13:54] *** Mode change "+m" for channel #755 by Falerin.
[13:54] Falerin: Sigh
[13:54] Falerin: Allow me to repeat myself for the last time
[13:54] Falerin: I shall not give THIS lesson again
[13:55] Falerin: 1) Faceless - A race of entities from another world that in their natural form exist as energy without matter
[13:55] Falerin: 2) The Avatar - Leaders among the faceless which correspond with various forces
[13:55] Falerin: 3) an avatar - A physical manifestation of a nonphysical entity
[13:55] Falerin: i.e. the combination of a Faceless and its Host = an Avatar
[13:56] Falerin: End of Explanation
[13:56] *** Falerin has left #755.
[13:56] *** Mode change "-m" for channel #755 by Falerin.
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