
From Caelwiki

[11:14] *** Okard has joined #755.
[11:14] Lkeas: morning

: [11:14] Okard: if you say so

[11:15] Quin: evening

: [11:15] Okard: how goes the hunt?

[11:15] Marrin: evening... er.. afternoon.
[11:15] Lkeas: we're hunting :)
[11:15] kingk: pretty bad

: [11:15] Okard: why bad?

[11:15] Quin: Which hunt woul;d this be. i'v lost track
[11:15] Quin: *would

: [11:16] Okard: the hunt for the runes

[11:16] Lkeas: we have found some runes, yes
[11:16] kingk: well we seem to be comming up with dead ends
[11:16] Quin: runes?
[11:16] lightbringerlord: we just have the about 8-10 percent of the runes...be patient

: [11:17] Okard: once you have a rune you should try to figure out what they represent

[11:17] Lkeas: hmm. how would we do that?
[11:17] Quin: If they are norse i can figger out what the maen

: [11:17] Okard: I am sure clues can point to what they represent

[11:17] Lkeas: i see.
[11:17] Lkeas: are these clues available to us already?

: [11:17] Okard: they are Reticulian runes

[11:17] kingk: how do you know?

: [11:18] Okard: they are runes of the Cor Dem are they not?

[11:18] Lkeas: right
[11:18] lightbringerlord: Does runes meanings releated to the places we have found?
[11:18] kingk: ah yes true im sorry my mind is slipping today
[11:19] *** lightbringerlord is now known as lightbringerlord: [away].
[11:19] kingk: so anyways i wonder what if seeker changed the site or nova did just to frame him
[11:19] Lkeas: he said he didn't have anything to do with it
[11:19] Blaster: [Unsleep]: could be NOVA
[11:19] Lkeas: besides, the hacker was supposedly The Messenger
[11:20] kingk: what did he do anyways?

: [11:20] Okard: he put a rune on the page changed the title and added music to the profile

[11:20] *** Leo: [Sleping] is now known as Leo: [Unawake].
[11:20] Lkeas: do you recognize the rune, okard?

: [11:20] Okard: nope

[11:21] kingk: hm well it seems very strange
[11:21] kingk: but i dont think we should focus on the runes
[11:21] Lkeas: ...

: [11:21] Okard: The Cor Dem do not use letters if that helps

[11:21] Okard: Only numbers and symbols
[11:22] Lkeas: yes, we were told that one of them represents "sol"
[11:22] Marrin: The sun?

: [11:22] Okard: that would be our star

[11:22] kingk: yes as in the sun
[11:22] Lkeas: yes

: [11:22] Okard: cube pyramid sphere

[11:23] Lkeas: yes, if a sphere represents sol, what could cube and pyramid represent?

: [11:23] Okard: Earth?

[11:23] Lkeas: both of them?

: [11:23] Okard: I would guess one would represent their home

[11:23] Lkeas: zeta reticuli
[11:23] Lkeas: hmm.

: [11:24] Okard: I would keep looking for clues

[11:24] Okard: I am sure you will find meaning to them
[11:24] Lkeas: we have clues that we don't understand...
[11:24] Lkeas: we need clues to solve the clues :P

: [11:25] Okard: keep looking

[11:25] Lkeas: what do you know about substitution ciphers?

: [11:25] Okard: not much

[11:25] Damsel: what all do you think needs translated via that method?

: [11:25] Okard: in one week, the prisoner should be free

[11:26] Okard: i am sure he will be more than happy to help you all
[11:26] Damsel: (I do substitution ciphers all the time)
[11:26] Lkeas: and what are your reasons for helping us? not that we aren't grateful, of course!
[11:26] kingk: lol yea

: [11:26] Okard: I do not see NOVA lasting much longer, with Matt being dead

[11:26] Lkeas: he's... dead?
[11:26] kingk: really howd that happen?

: [11:26] Okard: his son

[11:26] Damsel: I thought he'd just been missing

: [11:26] *** Okard has signed off IRC (Vanished: ).

[11:26] Lkeas: his son killed him??
[11:27] *** Leo: [Unawake] is now known as Leo.
[11:27] * Damsel scratches head in confusion.
[11:27] Lkeas: then nova IS a lie.
[11:27] kingk: hm
[11:27] Lkeas: or at the very least, only a shadow of what it once was, or should have been
[11:27] Lkeas: a facade
[11:27] kingk: why would he though could his son be good?
[11:27] kingk: or evil by doing that?
[11:27] Lkeas: dude. Robert Twain is Dragon, in case you don't remember...
[11:28] kingk: man i dont at all when was that found out?
[11:28] Lkeas: lol
[11:28] kingk: please dont give me the dot treatment
[11:28] Leo: Drako = Okard.
[11:28] Lkeas: it's in the dragon log
[11:28] kingk: who says hes robert?
[11:28] Lkeas: hmm. i'm not sure Leo... it's more like Drako ~ Okard
[11:28] Lkeas: READ the log kingk
[11:28] kingk: oh lol i was there
[11:29] * Lkeas hits head
[11:29] kingk: just because his name is dragon or did he full out say it?
[11:29] *** Lisa has joined #755.
[11:29] Lkeas: if you aren't reading, i'm not going to tell you.
[11:29] kingk: im sorry my memory is just a bit on the dee dee dee side
[11:29] Lkeas: good afternoon Lisa
[11:29] Lisa: No its not!
[11:30] kingk: hello lisa good to see you i hear dan is going to be recovered soon
[11:30] kingk: why not?
[11:30] kingk: seems so to me
[11:30] lightbringerlord: [away]: hi lisa
[11:30] Lisa: Dan has had a major psychotic break, he and Robert were involved in some sort of
[11:30] kingk: yes?
[11:30] Blaster: [Unsleep]: that's dreadful
[11:31] *** Lisa has signed off IRC (Silence).
[11:31] Lkeas: Dan and Robert are working together??
[11:31] kingk: someone cut her off
[11:31] Lkeas: what IS the world coming to
[11:31] kingk: i guess rob is an ally now
[11:31] kingk: lol lkeas
[11:31] Lkeas: either that... or the messenger...
[11:31] Damsel: oh my
[11:31] Blaster: [Unsleep]: is evil ?
[11:32] *** decypherer has joined #755.
[11:32] Leo: Greetings, decypherer.
[11:32] decypherer: Greetings
[11:33] kingk: no we know messenger is trying to get away from nova so if he is being helped by robet it means rob unbrainwashed him
[11:33] kingk: and helped him do something
[11:33] Lkeas: but robert KILLED matthew
[11:33] kingk: and aparently im guessing drako is dragon who is robert so....
[11:33] kingk: yes he did
[11:33] kingk: but was that a bad thing or a good thing that is a question we need answered
[11:34] Lkeas: considering Robert was the one who threatened me, i doubt he'd have a change of heart so soon
[11:34] Blaster: [Unsleep]: but why he and Dan are together?
[11:34] Lkeas: that's the problem.
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