Fragments of a Tapestry

From Caelwiki

[17:27] *** Maxwell has joined #darkabode.
[17:27] Ness: I don't know. Awaken. It would seem they're dormant since awakening Hope and Faith seem to be prominent themes.
[17:27] * Maxwell walks in with Ayame curling around his arm
[17:27] Lkeas: Are you defining "awaken" as in force the Anunnaki out of the host making the host a forsaken?
[17:27] Ness: Perhaps.
[17:27] Ness: Maybe even probably
[17:27] * bule slowly lingers into the room.
[17:27] * Dale looks over at the new figure.
[17:28] * Lkeas turns to Maxwell and waves. "Hey there."
[17:28] * bule slowly walks over to the couch seeing Maxwell in front of him.
[17:28] Maxwell: Hello Lkeas.
[17:28] * Ness looks at Maxwell
[17:28] Dale: Who're you, again?
[17:28] Alethyn: He's that one guy, the guy who does stuff.
[17:28] Lkeas: We were just discussing the relationship of Alpha with Epsilon and Makkisar.
[17:29] Alethyn: I think he makes weapons. Or perhaps confectionaries.
[17:29] Lkeas: I had mentioned that Truth was essentially killing his ancestors when he destroyed the Alpha, since they created Epsilon which created the Anunnaki.
[17:30] *** Alethyn has signed off IRC (Vanished: ).
[17:30] Maxwell: That would still not explain why Truth would do such a thing.
[17:31] Lkeas: I guess not..
[17:31] Little_Brown_Box: Maybe he's just a nutter like that?
[17:31] * Ness shrugs "Relay to him my theory. I want more input on it."
[17:31] Lkeas: Does he have a real reason for it?
[17:31] Maxwell: Truth has a reason for what he has done, and is doing.
[17:31] Little_Brown_Box: Open toilet, insert theory, flush.
[17:32] Maxwell: He is trying to become whole once again, no matter what the cost is.
[17:32] Little_Brown_Box: Wasn't it his fault that he was fragmented to begin with?
[17:32] Lkeas: Whole? What does killing Alpha have to do with becoming whole?
[17:32] Maxwell: Killing all Alpha but one.
[17:33] Maxwell: Carnax lived, for a very good reason.
[17:33] Lkeas: Wait... is Carnax meant to be the pure host?
[17:34] Maxwell: Truth has never been complete, he has always been broken and corrupt.
[17:34] *** Brink has joined #darkabode.
[17:34] *** Mode change "+v Brink" for channel #darkabode by Reality.
[17:35] bule: Then why is it that he seeks to be complete?
[17:35] bule: Now i mean.
[17:35] Maxwell: But that does not stop Truth from trying, and perhaps if he could somehow become whole, the hate and darkness would be at an end.
[17:35] Lkeas: Why was he broken in the first place? Did Epsilon mess up?
[17:35] * Brink wakes up and yawns slightly before begging to listen amongst the others.
[17:36] Maxwell: All Avatar are fragments of a larger tapestry.
[17:36] Ness: Trinity?
[17:36] Lkeas: So all the Anunnaki are fragmented?
[17:36] Maxwell: Truth is attempting to weave his own.
[17:37] Maxwell: In a sense, all Avatar are fragments of one another.
[17:37] Lkeas: I see.
[17:37] bule: So they are cousin so to speak?
[17:37] Maxwell: For you see, the Avatar are not the guardians of just one world.
[17:37] Maxwell: But all worlds.
[17:37] Lkeas: Sounds sort of like the Vespirians.
[17:38] * Ness clears his throat "I think that my theory is going to be relevant rather soon. Soon after the path to Outlands is open, in fact. I'd like some input on it."
[17:38] Maxwell: How the Avatar are spread out, of course is a different story.
[17:38] * Lkeas gestures at Ness. "Well, go ahead and tell him what your theory about II is.."
[17:39] * Ness nods "I didn't want to bombard him"
[17:39] * Maxwell pets Ayame as he listens
[17:40] Ness: I was thinking that given the Prophecy of "she will awaken the forsaken within us" and that II is a clone of Carnax, an Alpha, and that Annunaki are children of Epsilon. Perhaps II has either directly or via proxy from Epsilon the ability to awaken the Annunaki within the Lorians.
[17:42] Maxwell: I feel it is a good theory, but it does not have enough hard evidence.
[17:42] Maxwell: The prophecy was not speaking of II, but of someone else.
[17:42] Ness: It is further evidenced by the existance of the hive mind between Alpha and Epsilon.
[17:43] Ness: Oh? Wo?
[17:43] Ness: Who?*
[17:43] *** Ness is now known as Ness|BRB.
[17:43] Maxwell: It is a prophecy, they never say.
[17:43] Ness|BRB: Then how do you know it isn't II?
[17:43] * Lkeas shrugs. "Maybe Kaliope or Anna."
[17:43] Maxwell: And neither will I.
[17:43] * Ness|BRB shrugs
[17:43] Ness|BRB: Open toilet, insert theory, flush.
[17:44] Maxwell: Don’t forget to wash your hands.
[17:44] Lkeas: Hmm. So how ARE the Avatar spread out?
[17:45] Maxwell: The Anunnaki are transported.
[17:46] Lkeas: How?
[17:46] Maxwell: I can not say, other than it is not Anunnaki transporting them.
[17:47] Lkeas: Does The'Galin plan to use Epsilon to recreate LORE after it's uncreated?
[17:47] Maxwell: Of course not.
[17:47] Lkeas: Why not?
[17:48] Maxwell: Well, if you mean to populate the world with beings Epsilon created.
[17:48] Maxwell: Then yes, you would be right in some ways.
[17:48] Lkeas: Well, that's what I was thinking. One of The'Galin's servants mentioned he would prefer to recreate the world with "better constraints."
[17:49] Lkeas: We speculated that perhaps Epsilon specializes in creating beings that are more controllable, like the Anunnaki or Cor Dem.
[17:50] Maxwell: Who is to say any race is really controllable.
[17:50] Maxwell: After all, the Cor-Dem race is at civil war and the Anunnaki do not follow Epsilon but their own greed.
[17:50] Lkeas: Why are the Cor-Dem at war?
[17:51] *** Dale has signed off IRC (Client exited).
[17:51] *** Dale has joined #darkabode.
[17:51] *** Mode change "+v Dale" for channel #darkabode by Reality.
[17:51] Maxwell: Epsilon does of course create begins that are in fact controlled by The Network.
[17:51] *** Dale has signed off IRC (Client exited).
[17:51] Maxwell: But Epsilon does not create for that purpose.
[17:51] *** Dale has joined #darkabode.
[17:51] *** Mode change "+v Dale" for channel #darkabode by Reality.
[17:52] Lkeas: What purpose?
[17:52] Maxwell: Who is to say Epsilon is not creating beings to infiltrate The Network and tear it down from the inside?
[17:53] Lkeas: But you just said Epsilon is creating beings that are controlled by the Network, why would it also create beings to destroy the Network?
[17:53] Maxwell: It seems like most of the followers are trying to escape already, and only a select few races stay around out of loyalty.
[17:53] Maxwell: Epsilon has no choice what becomes of the creations.
[17:53] Maxwell: Only choice is what is made, and what is not.
[17:53] Lkeas: How does it choose what to make?
[17:54] Maxwell: Epsilon is nothing more than a war machine in the hands of The Network, creating and endless amount of units to spread across the universe.
[17:55] Maxwell: The only free will Epsilon still has is the traits and identify of the units.
[17:55] Maxwell: For you see, perhaps not all agents are in fact evil.
[17:55] Lkeas: If Epsilon's just a sort of machine... how can it be related to the Trinity?
[17:55] Maxwell: Just forced into a life from birth.
[17:56] Lkeas: Hmm.
[17:56] Maxwell: Epsilon was at one time, a free being.
[17:56] *** Dale has signed off IRC (Client exited).
[17:56] Maxwell: But now it is chained and forced to create by the The'Galin.
[17:57] Maxwell: Epsilon is not a machine in the sense of being made of metal and gears.
[17:57] Lkeas: Right..
[17:57] bule: In the sense of used to do what it is ordered?
[17:58] Maxwell: But a machine in the sense of being nothing more than a factory with no true free will other than one task over and over.
[17:58] Lkeas: How did it become that machine? Was that the Alphas' fault?
[17:58] Maxwell: I can not say at this time.
[17:59] Lkeas: Okay.
[17:59] Lkeas: Where does Lies fit in to all this? We know Truth is trying to make himself whole through various methods. Does Lies know Truth's plan and wish to stop him?
[18:00] Maxwell: Lies and Truth are bound to one another, and always will be.
[18:00] bule: Two halfs of a whole sort of?
[18:00] Maxwell: Truth will never be whole, if Lies is not whole.
[18:01] *** Untoros has joined #darkabode.
[18:01] Lkeas: What would make them whole? Would they have to unite with all of the 8 Avatar somehow? Or even more than that?
[18:01] bule: If that is true then how is it that Truth will make Lies whole as Lies to seem to want to stop Truth?
[18:01] Untoros: Cool.
[18:02] Untoros: ..huh?
[18:02] *** Untoros has left #darkabode.
[18:02] Maxwell: You know, that it has been said.
[18:02] Maxwell: That Truth is the essence of Lies.
[18:02] Lkeas: Yes.
[18:02] Lkeas: There was also the passage about "family it makes us."
[18:02] Maxwell: And that Hope, is the essence of Faith.
[18:03] Lkeas: How come Faith was never mentioned before?
[18:03] Maxwell: When the lines cross, and the pieces connect. Something beautiful will flourish in place of the evil that once stood in it's place.
[18:04] Maxwell: But all pieces must connect, this is Trinity.
[18:04] Maxwell: The three pieces of the large puzzle.
[18:04] Maxwell: You do know what they are yes?
[18:05] Lkeas: Not really...
[18:05] Maxwell: That is a shame.
[18:05] Lkeas: It's what we've been trying to figure out from the beginning.
[18:05] Maxwell: Trinity is 755.
[18:06] Lkeas: Right, something with numbers that the faceless who do not know numbers understand...
[18:06] *** Dale has left #darkabode.
[18:07] Lkeas: 755, Truth Lies Lies, Earth Water Water... what else?
[18:07] *** Dale has joined #darkabode.
[18:07] *** Mode change "+v Dale" for channel #darkabode by Reality.
[18:07] Maxwell: 755 is the code made by the Cor-Dem Prophet to represent the three pieces of the trinity.
[18:07] Lkeas: Why two 5s? Are two of the pieces similar?
[18:08] Maxwell: You could say they are the same, in some ways.
[18:08] Lkeas: Are they related to Lies?
[18:08] Maxwell: You could say that.
[18:09] *** Untoros has joined #darkabode.
[18:09] Untoros: Truthseekers
[18:09] Lkeas: How did Cor-Demi come to be the Prophet?
[18:09] Untoros: you cannot stand
[18:09] Untoros: against this evil
[18:09] Untoros: without me.
[18:09] *** Untoros has left #darkabode.
[18:09] * Lkeas sighs. "He's been doing that all day."
[18:10] Maxwell: I see...
[18:10] * bule sighs. "The ignorence in people."
[18:10] Maxwell: Cor-Demi is special.
[18:10] Lkeas: How come?
[18:10] Maxwell: Well, he is different.
[18:10] bule: How so?
[18:10] * Lkeas grins. "Does he have special powers?"
[18:11] Maxwell: Well, Cor-Demi is the only one who can do what he does.
[18:11] Maxwell: Like I said, he is special.
[18:11] bule: What excalty is that is he do?
[18:11] Maxwell: Of course he needs Anna to really use his gift.
[18:11] Maxwell: So you could say they are special together.
[18:12] *** Dale is now known as Dale|Sleepytimeznao.
[18:12] * Little_Brown_Box pipes up. "If I may interject?"
[18:12] Lkeas: What's on your mind, Box?
[18:13] Little_Brown_Box: What I mentioned to you earlier, Lkeas. I'd like to ask the man himself.
[18:13] * Lkeas nods.
[18:14] Little_Brown_Box: Maxwell, if Epsilon is little more than a factory, how can it be the last hope for humanity?
[18:15] Maxwell: Epsilon still has Hope.
[18:15] Maxwell: Still has Faith.
[18:15] Maxwell: And still has free will.
[18:15] Lkeas: It does?
[18:15] bule: If it does why does it continue to do what he does and not his own?
[18:16] Maxwell: It is not easy to understand the logic behind Epsilon.
[18:16] * bule nods.
[18:16] Maxwell: Because unlike you, it has every piece of the puzzle.
[18:16] bule: Oh?
[18:17] Little_Brown_Box: Oh, and Maxwell? When you said "humanity", did you mean the human race, the humanoid races, or the set of moral rules?
[18:17] Maxwell: I speak of humanity in different ways.
[18:18] Maxwell: Sometimes it is hard to tell what I mean by what I say.
[18:18] * Lkeas smirks. "No kidding?"
[18:20] Paladin_Of_Souls: "You are much like the God of Chaos in that manner, speaking in riddles and layering meanings at times."
[18:20] Little_Brown_Box: Something tells me sarcasm was the wrong approach, Lkeas.
[18:20] * Lkeas stands and heads towards the door. "Well, I have many more questions, but I've got to be going..."
[18:21] Lkeas: I trust my fellow seekers can continue the conversation?
[18:21] * bule nods.
[18:21] * Lkeas waves and heads out.
[18:21] * Maxwell waves goodbye
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