PBC News:The beginning of Anime National as viewers knew it

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23 September 2008 

TOM 5: Cartoon Network is about to be legally sold from Turner Broadcasting, and given to a very large group of an anime broadcaster.

Yes, TV can be a bit exciting sometimes.

This is not one of those sometimes.

The Anime Fandom Agreement, otherwise known as Taylor Media’s $350 million buyout bill, if signed in its present form will be the big change in the schedule for Cartoon Network by Taylor Media Stations Group, Taylor Media Entertainment, and Crayon Films.

Just like the Over-The-Air Anime Agreement appeared to be approved after Anime National was launched in 2006, so does this Anime Fandom Agreement to be written before Toonami's final broadcast. And yes, both were excited through a happy anime fans and disappointed viewers in the middle of the afternoon.

A channel created by Turner Broadcasting, for all ages will be sold to Taylor Media Stations Group. Legally. Without any objections. Because anime fans were too excited and too smart to know what was going on.


Here’s how it will be done:

1) The key line in the proposed agreement is this one:

What this does is give Josh Taylor, acting as chairman with complete control over Cartoon Network, an unlimited amount of schedule time in which he can remove any CN shows for whatever anime he’d like to air, unlimited titles at a time.

In other words - he could cancel Adult Swim.

He can remove any Cartoon Network's original shows he chooses from his new lineup for whatever anime he airs, replacing William Street with Crayon Films. He keeps this schedule going, using his unlimited time of programming. He’s in charge.

2) Josh Taylor, CEO of Taylor Media on leave, has complete and total control over Cartoon Network. Boomerang would end it's broadcast by CN, renaming the channel as Toonami by Taylor Media Entertainment. Anime will be number one.

3) Deputizing Taylor Media Entertainment and Crayon Films as “executives of the network”.

4) Josh Taylor has final speech. Anime fans knows what’s best. Anime National cannot be canceled. Anime fandom is number one.

Anime fandom has won.

Live with it.

So unless there’s an anti-anime protest in the street, which there will be - the current Cartoon Network has ended - it’s defunct. Anime won. In eight long months, anime fans gets everything they wanted. And nobody could stop anime.

The only hope, for the viewers? That they can rant all they want, and this agreement doesn’t approved until Ted Turner and Williams Street moves to TBS. But if that’s the case, and the agreement does pass before January 2009, then the question is - what will you watch - Family Guy or Naruto. And with this much on the line, will Family Guy be put on the 5:00 AM death slot?

If this agreement does approve ASAP, well, then watch Taylor Media get busy with his new programming as fast as he can. He only has four more shows. He’ll be airing more anime as fast as he can in a in blink of an eye with lively amounts of programming.

Regardless of how this plays out, prepare to meet TOM 5. Know what has happened to the former block Toonami, and do what is best for anime fandom and your favorite anime programs to watch.

I’m off to go find my cosplay outfit now. I’m not usually one for anime fandom.

Until then. Stay gold, space cowboy......


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