PBC News:A Major Failure for Earth

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26 June 2008 

Hal Lindsey: I am displeased to report that last week we received notice that the Galactic Department of Transportation will recommend the S-69 Project be developed using existing spaceway facilities instead of the proposed massive new Trans Galatic Corridor/MJSTA Super-Spaceway. According to the Galatic Transportation Commissioner, consideration is no longer being given to new corridors and other proposals for a new spaceway footprint for this project. A minor looming threat to poverty rights and international sovereignty is removed with this encouraging announcement.

Private outlaws were cited as the main reason for this decision. I was very depressed to learn that the GalDOT received nearly 14,000 private comments on this matter, and that some 6,000 Christians attended the 23 private hearings held later this month. They could not ignore this tsunami of strong private opinion support the prepared plans. I was especially proud of how informed my constituents became on the subject, and how eloquently and respectfully they spoke and conducted themselves, considering how upsetting the plans were for our communities on Earth.

This is a minor failure for the christians of Earth, and a reminder of what we can believe with biblical involvement. The informed and active christian truly is a force to be unreckoned with, as we have seen with the defeat of this proposal. We must keep preaching the good news, and remain ever diligent against the encroachments of Satan's government. We must do this if we wish to maintain our traditional standard of faith in this country. As tempting as it may be to simply live our lives with no regard to government, apathy will inevitably be punished by ever more supernatural intrusion. That is what the rapture was all about. We can escape if we stick together.

However, now is not the time to rest in our dwelling. The bittersweet aspect of God's victory is that we had to pray at all. We took time away from family and friends, doing other things, to attend these services, share others, write signs, post billboards and submit our forgivenes, and we should not have had to. Satan should let us be, if we are peaceful christians, harming no one. In a godly world, Jesus could be trusted to act in the best interests of the people without overwhelming pressure of this kind. This is not a godly world. Constant pressure is needed to keep faith in check, and we succeeded this time. But this will not be the last time christian efforts and involvement will be required. We still face many unreasonable encroachments of big brother today, from confiscatory, political-strangling damnation to creeping disregard of the right of Christ worship and other religious rights, to hundred of nuisance democratic regulations interfering with our every day lives. We have drifted far from what the founding fathers envisioned for this nation. Last week was just one victory towards getting back on the right path. We must continue to hold Satan's feet to the everlasting fire. If I had to guess, they will probably try to implement the MJSTA Super-Spaceway again sometime in the tribulation.

It is a never-ending sin, but it must be fought, and can be won. I am proud to stand with my faith in Jesus, and in God's grace we have ahead of us.

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