Judaizers, Jewish Fables and the Commandments of Men

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Why do Christians claim that a Natural Israel exist in the Old and New Testament? Those who believe that a Natural Israel existed in the Old and New Testament is a Judaizer and on a path to eternal damnation. Believing in a Natural Israel of the OT and NT is taking the Broad Way. True Christians must believe that we are the Spiritual Israel of the Old and New Testament and follow the Straight and Narrow.


[edit] What is a Judaizer and How was Judaism invented

A Judaizer is a apostate Christian who believes that a natural Israel exists and fails to realize that the Hebrew Gentiles were the Spiritual Israelites of the Old Testament before they invented Judaism. The Tower of Babel in Genesis was a symbol of a unification of religions God cursed them with the ability to speak in languages that no one could understand. Even though that Peter, Phillip, James, Paul, and John couldn't understand foreign languages, The Holy Spirit gave them the power to speak in other languages such as Greek and Latin. The Most popular Judaizers preaching the existence of a Natural Israel of both OT and NT was Tim LaHaye, Hal Lindsey, Grant Jeffrey, Jack Van Impe, Rod Parsley, Jim McClarty, Billy Graham, John Hagee, Ed Hindson, Richard Perry, Pat Robertson, Steve Munsey, John M Irvin Baxter. Judaizers believe that Abraham's Bosom still exists in the earth's core. Abraham's Bosom was OT past tense, it longer exist because of Jesus' death on the cross. It was known as the place, according the Hebrew texts, where the dead awaits until Jesus' death on the cross casting it into the Lake of Fire and the graves gave up the souls that were in it and the devil was casted into the spiritual bottomless pit or the Lake of Fire. Revelation 20:3, 7, and 13 was symbolically fulfilled. Verse 8 and 9 is symbolic but not a fulfillment, though that Satan is in the Lake of Fire, his deception will keep on going around the world throughout time until the end of time, human race, an individual's life or all three meaning that human flesh will be destroyed by God's word or dissolved with fervent heat along with the universe. Revelation 3:10, 20:4, 11 and 12 are not yet symbolically fulfilled. It won't be separate, but together. Jesus will separate the souls of those who follow him which is symbolized as the sheep, and the souls of the wicked which symbolizes the goat.

So How and when was Judaism invented? The Spiritual Israelites of the OT or Hebrew Gentiles found ways to worship God by building a Golden Calf and playing music. Now according the New Testament, mechanical music is forbidden even Moses know it, he came into rage and destroyed the 2 tablets and the golden calf with his staff. Then they started building another Idol called during the days of the prophet Elijah. David worshiped an idol when he was seduced by Bathseba. And Solomon, David's son, committed idolatry. These historical events is where Judaism originated because it's a Baal worship cult. Judaizers are Jew Enablers and promoting Zionism. Most Christians think that Judaizers are involved in creating the New World Order though the Judaizers deny that they do not. That might be true, but we should leave Conspiracy Theories out of our spiritual morality. Some of them believe that God let Hitler killed the Jews righteously and thus makes him go to Heaven as righteous Gentile. Again even if Hitler did killed the Jew righteously, he was never baptized properly because Lutherans either baptized babies according to Roman Catholicism or they probably knew that baptism was done by full immersion but never bother, they used to do it back in the time of the Reformation. Plus he never wore sackcloth as a sign of repentance, which we are commanded to wear sackcloth as a sign of repentance (Jonah 3:8). Wearing sackcloth is not tradition but a symbol of repentance along with crying out to the Lord for help.

[edit] What do Jewish Fables do Christians believe

Jewish Fables that Christians believe that they must observe the Feast of Trumpets, because they claim in the book of Joshua, that God commanded Joshua and the Hebrew Gentiles, The OT Spiritual Israelites to march around Jericho for six days, and on the Seventh Day they would blow trumpets, bang the drums and shout with their voices to tear the walls down. Though that this was biblical and historical, it's just a tradition of men, not a commandment from God. The word trumpet is symbolic meaning voice or singing as in we are commanded to sing for the Lord to hear. The word "Trumpet" is also mentioned 1 Thessalonians 4;16, 1 Corinthians 15:52, Revelation Chapters 8 and 9 referring to the Seven Trumpets or voices. The Last Trumpet will be sounded on Judgment Day (Revelation 19 and 20), and the end of human life or a man's personal life where the flesh will be destroyed and the all souls, both the followers of Christ and the wicked, will be taken to Judgment.

[edit] What are the commandments of Men

  • Observing the non-existant Jewish Feasts and holidays such as Hanukkah, Yom Kippur (Hebrews Chapter 8-10)
  • Prosperity Tithing (give money to your church and your financial debt is paid off)
  • Celebrating pagan holidays, including Halloween and Christmas.
  • Preaching Eschatology.
  • Believing in the Resurrection of the flesh when Jesus will only come back for your soul.

[edit] What should we do about this?

Apostle Paul warns about these false doctrines of division or in this case, a "schism".

That there should be no schism in the body (The Church); but that the members should have the same care one for another. - 1 Corinthians 12:25

Not only that we have been divided in a schism. Schism can also refer to doctrines that cause division.

  • Belief in a Trinity. There's only one God. Jesus is a man.
  • Believing in a physical resurrection or rapture.
  • Believing that the Second Coming of Jesus would be physical, seen and heard. Didn't Jesus tell you that He's the Thief in the Night? His Second Coming will be unseen and unheard. While His physical resurrection was historical. This is symbolic, the future resurrection will be spiritual, not physical.
  • Physical bodies becoming immortal and incorruptible. Physical material flesh will not be changed, they will be destroyed. aionios in a physical term means age-lasting.
  • Receiving eternal life for the physical body. Why do people of Christendom use misconception of John 3:16? If olam in the Old Testament means age-lasting or age-during, then aionios means age-lasting.
  • Believing in a human trinity is a doctrine of division because it derives from a Kenite/Judaism theory called a tetragammation or Kabbalahism which either Christians (denominational/non-denominational) and Jews have practice this type of doctrine of schism. Most of this doctrine have derives from a worship of the Seal of Solomon or Mark of Cain.

for God did so love the world, that His Son -- the only begotten -- He gave, that every one who is believing in him may not perish, but may have life age-during. - John 3:16 YLT

Believe in who? Not in Jesus, but the Word that he gave from the Father. We didn't receive age-during life, but God gave us age-during life in this physical material realm. Eternity does not have to do with time. Immaterial spirit/souls are immortal. Paul didn't say we are to literally put on immortality and incorruption, but to think immortality and incorruption because our immaterial soul/spirit is inmmortal. It's not incorruptible yet, but it will be soon. Once we die, we do not need our material physical flesh bodies, our immaterial souls will be given new bodies, a spirit body.

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