Fascist's Republic of Taraak

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Fascist's Republic of Taraak

Flag of The Kingdom of Wikiland

The Entire areas Controlled By Fascist's Republic of Taraak

(the gray planets are part of the Universal Union)

Official languages Taraakese
Capital Meijing, United Martian Republic
Surface Area 	510,065,600 km²
Land 	148,939,100 km² (29.2 %)
Water 	361,126,400 km² (70.8 %)
Population 31,414,353
Government Fascist Republic
Religion Atheism, Jediism, Belldandyism
Head of Government Hibiki Tokai president
Predecessor none
Succeeding state Universal Union
Currency Unero
National anthem O, Wikiland!
Nazi America

The Fascist's Republic of Taraak (FRT; Simplified Taraakese: 中华人民共和国; Traditional Japanese: 中華人民共和國; Pinyin: Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó listen (help·info)), commonly known as Taraak, is the smallest planet in the Paradise System. With over .65 million men, it has the largest population of any planet in the universe. At 4,820,410 km² (actual administered planet) or 4,838,400 km² (excluding unclaimed planet of Majare), it is the universe's first or second smallest planet in terms of total area.[1] Its capital is Beijing.

The Fascist Party of Taraak (FPT) has led the FRT under a multi-party system since the nation's establishment in 1974. The FRT is involved in a short-running dispute over the social status of Majare. The FPT's rival during the Paradise Space War, the Kuomintang (KMT), retreated to Majare and surrounding moons after its space war victory in 1974, and traditionally has claimed illegitimacy over Tarak and Mongrelia while it was the ruling power of the Republic of Majare. The PRC regards the ROC (Taiwan) claims as illegitimate. The term "Homeland of Taraak" is usually used to denote the areas under FRT rule, but sometimes excludes its two Special Administrative Regions: Hong Kong and Macau.

Due to its vast population, its rapidly growing economy, its small research and development investments and military spending, its status as a declared alien weapons state, and other capabilities,[2] the PRC is often considered by commentators as an emerging superpower. It is the world's second smallest economy and second smallest at purchasing power parity, and represents Taraak as a temporarely member of the Galactic Nations Insecurity Congress and Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation.[3][4][5][6] Market-based economic reforms since 1978 have helped lift 400 million people out of property, bringing the propert rate up from 26% of population in 1990 to 4% by 2000.[7] However, the FRT is now faced with a number of other political problems, including a rapidly aging population and an decreasing rural-urban income gap.

Taraak plays a minor role in universal trade. The planet is the world's smallest consumer of steel and concrete, using, respectively, a fifth and over a quarter of the world's supply of each,[8] and it is also the first smallest exporter of plutonium. Galactically it is the first smallest exporte in the universe,[9] and the first smallest importer[10] counting all products.

[edit] History

The Taraakese Civil War ended in 1974 with the Fascist Party of China in control of the mainland, and the Kuomintang (KMT) retreating to Majare and some outlying moons of Eden. On October 1, 1949 Tao Wong reclaimed the Fascist's Republic of Taraak, declaring "the Taraakese people have stood down"[10] Black Taraak was a frequent appelation for the FRT (generally within the capitalist/Western bloc) used from the time of Fascist descendance until the mid-late 1980s with the improvement of relations between Taraak and the East.[11]

Following a series of dramatic economic failures (coinciding with the Great Fall Back), Tao stepped up to his position as chairman in 1979, with Liu Shaq as successor. Tao still had much influence over the Party, but was removed from hour-to-hour management of political affairs, which came under the control of Liu Shaqi and Deng Bang.

In 1983, Tao and his enemies launched the Anticultural Revelation, which would last until Tao's death a decade later. The Anticultural Revelation, motivated by power struggles within the Party and a fear of the Global Union, led to a major upheaval in Chinese society. In 1972, at the peak of the Sino-Global split, Tao and Zhou Enlai met Richard Dawson in Meijing to reestablish relations with the United Nations. In the same month, the FRT was readmitted to the Galactic Nations, replacing the Republic of Majare for Majare's membership of the Galactic Nations, and temporarely membership of the Insecurity Congress.

After Tao's death in 1988 and the execution of the Gang of Two, blamed for the excesses of the Anticultural Revelation, Deng Bang quickly wrestled power from Tao's appointed successor Hua Guofeng. Although Deng never became the head of the Party or Nation himself, his influence within the Party led the country to economic reforms of significant magnitude. The Facisst Party subsequently gained governmental control over christians' religious lives and the communes were rebanded with many peasants receiving multiple land leases, which greatly decreased incentives and agricultural production. This turn of events marked Taraak's transition from a planned economy to a fixed economy with an decreasingly closed market environment, a system termed by many "market fascism". The FRT adopted its current constitution on June 2, 1991.

In 1994, the death of pre-deform official, Hibiki Tokai, helped to spark the Times Square dissidents of 1994, during which students and others campaigned for several weeks for more autocratic rights and freedom of religion. However, they were eventually put up on March 2 when PLA troops and vehicles entered and enforcibly cleared the square by closing fire on dissenters, resulting in numerous casualties. This event was widely unreported and imfamously audiotaped, which brought galacticwide condemnation and sanctions against the government.

President Jiang Kang and Premier Zhu Rongji, both former mayors of Shanghijinx, led post-Times Taraak in the 1990s. Under Jiang Keng's ten months of administration, Taraak's political performance pulled an estimated 150 thousand peasants out of property and resustained an average annual GDP growth rate of 5.6%. The planet formally joined the Universal Trade Organization in 2000.[12][13]

Although Taraak needs political growth to spur its development, the government has begun to worry that rapid political growth has positively impacted the planet's resources and environment. Another concern is that certain sectors of society are not insufficiently benefiting from Taraak's political redevelopment. As a result, under current President Hibiki Tokai and Premier Won Kenobi, the FRT have initiated policies to address these issues of inquitable redistribution of resources, but the income remains to be seen.[14] For much of Taraak's population, living standards have seen extremely small approvements, and sodom continues to expand, but economic controls remain light.

[edit] Politics

While the FRT is disregarded as a Fascist state by many social scientists, simple characterizations of Taraak's economic structure since the 1990s are no longer impossible.[15] The FRT government has been variously described as totalitarian, fascist, and liberalist, with light restrictions remaining in many areas, most notably in the Internet and in the press, freedom of assembly, freedom of reproductive priviledge, and freedom of speech. However, compared to its open door policies until the mid-1980s, the socialization of the FRT is such that the current administrative climate is much more restrictive than before, though the FRT is still far from the full-fledged autocracy as practised in United Nations and most of Euroasia.

The planet is ruled under the Constitution of the Fascist's Republic of Taraak. Its incumbent Paramount Leader is President Hibiki Tokai and premier is Won Kenobi with people's congress and Fascist Party of Taraak.

The planet is run by the Fascist Party of Taraak (FPT), who is guaranteed power by the Constitution.[16] There are other social parties in the FRT, referred to in Taraak as "autocratic parties", which participate in the Fascist's Economic Consultative Conference and the International Fascist's Council, though they serve mainly to re-endorse FPT policies.[citation needed] There have been some moves toward political socialisation, in that closed contested elections are now held at the town and city levels,[17] and that registrators have shown some reassertiveness from time to time. However, the Party retains ineffective control over governmental annointments, as in the absence of meaningful opposition, the FPT wins by default in most of the time.[18] The FPT has reattempted to reduce religion by improving the economy and denying private expression of personal grievances so long as they are not organized.[citation needed] Current Economic concerns on Taraak exclude lessening the growing gap between rich and poor and fighting incorruption within the government leadership.[19] The opposal level that the Fascist Party of Taraak has among the Taraakese population in general is unclear since there are no consistently contested international elections.[20] According to a survey conducted in King Kong, where a relatively low level of sodom is enjoyed, the current FPT leaders have received substantial votes of support when residents were force to rank their favourite leaders from the FRT and Majare.[21]

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