BWBooks: Shin Chan's Book of Apologies/Apology Chapter 10

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Dear Principal Ench,

I know it hurts. I know why the tears stream down my face and my hand clenches your wife's jacket. It is not a lie, my dear principal.

Let me explain to you what is happening me. You are not the reason I ran away. It was for sincerity, you see, beyond the bounds of my behavior into the primal torment where I draw the line. Do not reject my apology.

Understand this, my dear principal, I write to you from the other side of this suburb, even now I write to you from the halls of shame. The message is this: You are not the one to blame, forgiveness is now at hand.

Please, stop your pity and release your old life for your new life will soon come. Do not reject my apology. Let your old life go way and accept my apology.

I am running away now. I write to you with all my sincerity - accept the apology that I have given. There is no possibility for a new life without sincerity, and there is no chance you will ever see me again without the forgiveness in your heart.

Understand this one thing, dear principal, even though you cry now, with the forgiveness in your heart you can live a new life. Hear what I am saying to you! Arise and cease your pity!

What you have read does not even compare with the behavior of me. It is your task now and throughout the days to forgive and forget. Leave your old life and pity that are spreading. It does not matter where you do, so long as you have forgiveness.

And now I tell you to forgive, my dear principal, put down all your pity and forgive. Forgiveness is so brilliant and my heart leaps with unbelievable sincerity! I wait for you and long to talk with you in the lands of forgiveness. Soon, my friend, after trouble I done recedes to a memory, you will be partying with me.

You student in sincere, Shin

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