23 minutes in Hell, Literally?

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23 Minutes in Hell is a 2006 Christian book written by Bill Wiese and published by Charisma House[1]. The book is claimed to be non-fiction and recounts the author's alleged 23-minute-long experience in hell in 1998.[1] The book and the underlying story within it are the topic of a series of speaking tours given by Wiese, predominantly to churches and other Christian organizations.[1]

Wiese states that he had been a Christian since 1970, but had never studied hell before his experience[2] on the night of November 23, 1998.[3] According to the book, Wiese, then a real estate broker,[2][4] found himself in a cell approximately 15 feet (4.6 m) high and 10 feet (3.0 m) by 15 feet (4.6 m) in area, where there were two foul-smelling beasts, personifications of evil and terror, who spoke in a blasphemous language.[3] Wiese says that the creatures had strength approximately one thousand times greater than a man's strength.[3] According to Wiese, the beasts threw him against the stone wall, breaking his bones, and then ripped his flesh.[4] Wiese states that he nevertheless managed to crawl out of his cell, where he heard the screams of the billions of damned people in hell.[4] He states that he then encountered Jesus, who told him to tell other people that hell is real.[3] Wiese states that his experience ended with him waking on the floor of his living room, screaming in horror.[3]

The question is:

  • How can he smell demons if he's not in his human body?
  • How can he still have flesh and bones if he's in Hell?
  • How can Hell have a prison cell?
  • How can he hear screaming of people in Hell?
  • Was Jesus really in Hell when he saw Him?
  • In Bill Wiese's statement, "was hot – far beyond any possibility of sustaining life". Is Hell literal fire?

[edit] Reasons to refute Bill Wiese's claims

  • Flesh cannot enter Hell when they die. Flesh can't feel spiritual fire and neither can the soul/spirit with literal fire.
  • Hell is unseen and unheard by the physical sight and hearing. (1 Corinthians 2:9)
  • The soul/spirit don't have nostrils or ears.
  • Souls don't have flesh and blood after it leaves the body.
  • Jesus never went to Hell. There's no literal references in the New Testament.
  • Hell is not a literal prison. It's an unseen place of conscious torment of the human soul/spirit, not flesh.
  • Hell fire is not literal. If it was, the fire would burn out, the flesh would burn in annihilation, but the soul would not. Literal Fire will not burn Satan.

[edit] Conclusion

Bill Wiese is bearing false witness. No matter, his soul/spirit is already tormenting in there. Hell is real and eternal, but unseen by Physical Sight.

[edit] Articles

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