STOP SPAMMING THE DAMN WIKI! Not only are you ruining the wiki, you are also showing people that you have nothing better to do than to slather other people's hard work with your idiocy and c***! I don't give a damn if you hate Clan, just say it somewhere else, don't say it on other people's hard work! If you guys are doing this to boost your own ego, you need to think to yourself: "Hmm, am I doing this just because I hate Clan and I'm willing to have some points knocked off of my Self-esteem, or because I just feel like it?". If you're doing it just because you hate Clan, WHINE ABOUT IT ON A BLOG. If you're doing it because you hate Clan and Bonus Stage, STOP WATCHING BONUS STAGE AND DON'T GO WHERE CLAN DWELLS. Is it so hard to just leave the wiki alone? Stop spamming and do something productive with your life.

Thank you for your time. --AATFC

Mandy and Hobbes

From Bsfextra Level

Revision as of 23:32, 2 April 2007 by Yo yo mom (Talk | contribs)
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Extra Level Short 1


Mandy is crazy. What a surprise.


{Opening credits}

{Cut to Psychosis giving a present to Mandy.}

PSYCHOSIS: Happy birthday Mandy.

{Mandy opens the present. A stuffed tiger is inside.}

MANDY: Wow a real tiger! I can’t believe you got me a real live tiger!

{Mandy runs around the tiger.}

PSYCHOSIS: Oooookay.

{Mandy is dressed like a cow girl while the tiger is dressed like an Indian.}

MANDY: Native American’s would be more plentiful if they hadn’t traded there land for casinos.

{Long pause.}

{Mandy continues playing with the tiger.}

PSYCHOSIS: I think something’s wrong with Mandy.

{Cut to Mandy at a psychiatrist.}

MANDY: This is some bull s***!

PSYCHIATRIST: Who are you talking to?

MANDY: To Hobbes. My pet tiger. Can’t you see him?

PSYCHIATRIST: Hmm. That’s just a stuffed animal.


PSYCHIATRIST: I see. (writes down things.)

{Cut to Mandy strapped to a table. Mandy gets electrocuted.}

PSYCHIATRIST: It’s for the best. Give her these pills every two hours.

(Cut to Mandy sitting next to the tiger.)

MANDY: Hobbes? Hooobbes. *Sigh*… HOBBES!

{Scene goes black. Cut to Mandy in a bloody room with a policeman.}

POLICE MAN: Ma’am, did you do this?

MANDY: Me? No my tiger did. He’s a blood thirsty monster.

POLICE MAN: Okay your coming with us.

{Mandy jumps into a trash can.}

{Cut to Mandy in a patted wall room wearing a straightjacket.}

MANDY: Mars is amazing. Mars is amazing!

{End credits roll}

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