SS Workroom

From Bplsst

Has anyone considered renaming the workroom "SST North Workroom", and "SST South Workroom", since SI and SS don't exist anymore--Dresdnhope 07:43, 1 February 2007 (EST)

I suspect it would be harder for people to remember. I for one do not think of the library in terms of north and south. If anything, I might designate the Eastern Parkway side as north and the Flatbush side as north. - DB

Once we name it, we'll remember it. The point is that unless someone makes a conscious decision to change the names, the old names will be perpetuated for thousands and thousands of years, even though they don't represent any organizational reality.

I think that we've been using those terms to identify the rooms to the IT, Maintenence and Custodial staff. I agree though that something so out of date should be changed. Could this be a subject for a reference meeting?-DP

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