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Revision as of 21:17, 9 July 2007 by Nogli (Talk | contribs)
Where's all the jack gone? Andy drunk it!

"ZOMG!!!11 this article is comlete bollocks!!11 there's nuffink tru about it!"
- Mike Squires, 23:18, 22 June, 2007.

Likes the penis.

What else is there to say?


The Man, the Hero, the Legend

Andy, Andy, Andy. Apart from "Likes the penis" what can you say about him? Quite a lot actually...

At time of writing he is drunk so that seems like a good place to start...

Drunk Andy

Is a legend - there is no doubt about it. When drunk he says profound things like:
"SuperAndy says: thats the bootloader for windows nt
SuperAndy says: but yea
SuperAndy says: i mean, like
SuperAndy says: LIUX!"

The highpoint of June's drunk Friday had to be his posting of a thread entitled "Gay" in Muselive's General section with the simple of post of: "ga". The thread was probably inspired by his post in the OTMT that read "gay people are gay."

He also posted the classic
"i love tab, and bliss is alirgh.t every get the idea that everyone is like, everyhingh,. and its all sub conscious. i dont know. but this is raocrd. yea? racoon. ctril sneer.!

wanker "

It is usually best not to try and understand him. If you do attempt to engage in coversation then keep in mind he will turn emo and start singing song lyrics at you while trying to relate them to his own life. Take it in good humour - the guy's a legend remember.

He really wants some pizza.

The Hero

He is SuperAndy. He wears a blue cape and saves people from danger.

The Moderator

He's also one of the coolest moderators ever (why? his Gay thread, his involvement in the PANIC! joke for starters...). he is the only moderator to have any warnings on Muselive:
14-03-2007 01:23 - Normal warning : Bad behavior
22-05-2007 16:00 - Normal warning : Linux Spam

By the morning he might have a third. He will definitely have a hangover.


It is his mission to rid the world of Windows and Mac OS - all computers should use the Linux kernel! With Ubuntu and Beryl installed!

Andy really likes Linux. Tonight is a good night, he's only mentioned it once.

Alter Ego

Has recently turned into Mr Superandysen since making his avatar an infinite array of those funny characters from The Matrix. This demented ego considers installing Mac OS X. Warning - Armed and extremely dangerous. But he still loves the penis.


A trisexual, his first sex dream was with Lara Croft. Technically, she is asexual because a vagina wasn't programmed.

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