06 Footnotes

From Beyond A Wiki


These are all applicable footnotes from the Chapter Six of the Final Fantasy VII fanfiction story, Beyond Good and Evil. This is not a source of official canon information and, while all of the information stated herein is based on and derived from what is given in canon, this information is not and can not be considered official or supported by the game creators or developers.



A young woman whose place of birth is unknown, Tegwin (Playable Character G) is the youngest on record to ever enter the ranks of the Turks. Scouted for her talent when she was but a child, she was taken out of the orphanage she had been raised in and trained so that she could one day become a Turk. She uses a large shuriken (throwing star) called 'Rekka' 「烈火」, meaning 'raging fire', as her weapon of choice.

Strong of mind and body, and with a very straightforward and realistic outlook on life, she has taken it upon herself to look after the other Turks, especially the junior members, despite the fact that she is younger than most of them. She is warm-hearted and has a motherly side which can border on bossy. Her loyalty to the Shinra Company and the Turks in particular is unquestionable. Having been raised by them, she came to realize throughout the years that, while the company has done some questionable things, they have also brought ease and progress to the lives of countless people. For better or worse, she'll stick by them.
"I'm Shisune.".

On a somewhat random note of interest, it seems it has recently been discovered that Playable Character G's proper name is 'Shisune', and she has something of a significant role in Crisis Core. Seeing as how neither of us author people have played Crisis Core, and any canon specific to the game is not being incorperated to the story, this would not necessarily affect this character...however we do endeavor to embrace all available canon that does not directly contradict what we have already established for the story. So in order to use this new piece of canon, we chose to have Tegwin's true name be Tegwin (as this name was preferred by the webmaster of Gunshot Romance and is recognized among many BC fans), but she took the name Shisune when she became a field agent for the Turks, preferring to keep her given name to herself. She introduces herself to Zack Fair as Shisune...but all her Turk colleagues know her as Tegwin.
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