01 Footnotes

From Beyond A Wiki


These are all applicable footnotes from Chapter One of the Final Fantasy VII fanfiction story, Beyond Good and Evil. This is not a source of official canon information and, while all of the information stated herein is based on and derived from what is given in canon, this information is not and can not be considered official or supported by the game creators or developers.



The sign out in front of the Healin Lodge.
Triangulated location of Healin.

When Cloud drives up to Healin Lodge, we see him pass a large directional sign near the entrance to the lodge that indicates the locations of Midgar City, Kalm, and the Chocobo Farm. For Midgar City and the Chocobo Farm to both be to the right of the sign, Healin must be due east of both of these locations. However, since there is no location that will put both Midgar and Chocobo Farm in a straight line due west, we had to compromise and figure that the roads would go in an approximate westward direction from the sign's location in Healin.

So, if a right-facing arrow indicates due west, then the arrow that indicates Kalm, which is pointing at 5:00, tells us Kalm must be in a northwest direction. Triangulating these locations results in the location of Healin being Southeast of the Chocobo Farm.

Note that for the triangulation to be accurate, the sign must be facing north, the viewer facing south.


In the commemorative art/resource book Final Fantasy VII: The Reunion Files, Healin is listed as being a hot spring/health spa.


'The only kind of retirement a Turk is entitled to comes with a body bag.'

In Before Crisis Mission Seventeen, President Shinra says this line to Tseng in regards to Veld's disappearance; however it seems like the kind of thing he would eagerly reiterate to the Turks.


In the original Japanese version of the game, the spell names were [example: Fire materia] Fire, Fira, and Firaga. However, when the game was brought to America, the spell names were changed to Fire1, Fire2, and Fire3. We found this lame, and decided to stick with the Japanese version for this particular situation. This method will be used for all materia spells mentioned in the story; The English 'Bolt' spells will be Thunder->Thundara->Thundaga, Cure2 will be Cura, Cure3 will be Curaga, et cetera et cetera et cetera.

Neo ShinRa HQ

Frost Tower in Austin, TX.
We're actually given no indication that ShinRa is rebuilding its headquarters. However, we...kinda needed there to be a new tower for this story, so we decided they were rebuilding. Now, both of us author people live in Austin, TX, and we had both decided long ago that the Frost Bank Tower in town was totally what Rufus would design the new building to look like. Tall, fancy, lots of glass, intricate roof decorations, giant clocks on the faces... Yeah. Right up Rufus's alley. At 515 feet (157 meters) tall and containing 33 floors, the Frost Tower is the tallest building in the city of Austin. Now, granted, the skyline of Edge doesn't allow for such a hi-rise, so we've chopped the building in half, giving Neo ShinRa HQ 15 floors and standing at about 225 feet...but the general design of the building in our heads is that of Frost Tower. Just so we're all kinda...seeing the same thing. ^_^

On a related tangent, in Before Crisis, we learn that the Turks actually apparently lived in ShinRa Tower in old Midgar, which is actually not a terribly unusual occurrence in Japan, for people employed in an occupation such as theirs to actually live on-the-job. However, we wanted the Turks to have individual residences for the sake of the story, and decided that Rufus was going to be stingy and deny them their company residency.

7th Heaven

Tifa's bar was destroyed when Reno dropped the plate over Sector Seven of Lower Midgar in the events of FFVII. However, in Advent Children, she has a new bar by the same name. In the novella On the Way to a Smile: Case of Tifa (as well as in The Reunion Files), it is explained that after the destruction of Midgar with the descent of Meteor, Tifa and the gang moved to Edge, a town that was being built around the edges of what remained of the ruins of Midgar. In Edge, Barret suggested that Tifa rebuild her bar. Marlene pleaded that the name of the new bar remain 7th Heaven, and Tifa conceded [somewhat reluctantly].

Currency Exchange

Gil Conversion - 1gil ~ $0.50 USD/€0.35/¥60, based on current value of the these currencies vs. prices in in-game shops. Example: Potion sells for 50gil, Phoenix Down for 300gil, and a tent for 500gil. That would make a potion about $25/€20/¥3000, a Phoenix Down $150/€115/¥17,700, and a tent $250/€185/¥30,000. This seemed a reasonable exchange, and will apply to any and all monetary exchanges within the story.
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