With unwanted addition of Daisie (Daisie)

From Badrp

There have been huge gaps in my interaction with Daisie. This has been a good thing. How does one accomplish something like that? By associating with the wrong people. My pup interacted with OMGWOMANBEATER. Who was driven away for posting a picture of a dead cat. So, by association, my pup became anathema. She avoided the world that pup hung out with, and my pup was shunned in general. Not that I know it was her leading that, but there seemed to be indications.

Enter long interlude of quiet on that front. My pup spends his time plotting against and trying to kill his father. Canon for him. His Father has killed probably in the order of a hundred thousand people, and wants his son to work for him again. Also canon for him. I go through a huge plot, ending with my pup completely victorious. Cheesy, perhaps, but it was nice to give him some peace instead of angst.

More time passes. Daisie then approaches Fathermun and asks them to resurrect Father. Fathermun explains that not only were they killed, their soul was obliterated, negating that. They do miss playing them, so they agree to do an AU version. Because Father has more AUs than Marvel and DC combined.

Daisty then runs to someone else, to have them pass a message to me calling my attention to a thread about how forgiveness and love should be able to overcome everything. Apparently she wanted my pup to react to Father's return. His reaction is like, "Dear god! He abused me and committed genocide! No! No forgiveness for him! Bad!" I thought that rather made sense. Victims don't always want to forgive, especially something like child abuse. Also incredibly mindfucking crazy that Daisie will forgive genocide before posting a picture of a dead cat. Oh, I'm sorry, she expects other people to forgive, but she's never required to forgive anyone that pisses her off.

Daisie was also disappointed that Father was an AU version and not the real thing, even after being told no, no resurrection that will completely ruin a long plot that took many months to follow through. In addition, she snuck in a (not so) subtle slam against my pup's other world, which she loathes. And when Fathermun requested that she take it down, she threw a snit fit. Although she did take it down, and never spoke to Fathermun again. How dare they stand up to her. Although Fathermun considers that a win-win situation for them.

I've also heard from a couple of people that she thinks I'm the same mun as OMGWOMANBEATER (Buh?). Who everyone was gunning to kill for OMGWOMANABUSE. But for some reason my pup gets chided for wanting to kill a genocidal tyrant. Who, by the way, tortured women and infants far worse than OMGWOMANBEATER ever did.

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