Kali Bingo

From Badrp

You heard me right, kiddos! KALI BINGO! Remember, when you've filled five squares vertically, horizontally, or diagonally, you've been KALI'D! Here's your event/phrase bank:

  1.  :-)
  2. Snarks at/jumps on somebody hitting on Wade
  3. Is obviously a new Marvel single promiscuous female
  4. Goes off on someone trying to help her
  5. Freaks out at the suggestion of cruelty to animals
  6. Yells at people to take their pets to the veterinarian
  7. Freaks out when someone else's thread is non-PC
  8. Fails to freak out when a similar non-PC post is made by one of her own puppets or a friend's
  9. Writes a screaming angry anonymous post about something she hates
  10. Uses userinfo.gifa-little-fairy to bitch about stuff she can't say using Kali because she looks like a total bitch
  11. Passive-aggressively disses non-Marvel/DC character through her puppets
  12. Ignores an action that everybody else is doing to pick on the character of the player she dislikes
  13. Deletes a comment
  14. Pretends not to have said things she definitely said
  15. Dismisses complaints with a friendly smile
  16. Claims she didn't know about these issues (any issues)
  17. Squees over [insert Male Marvel Character Here]'s ass
  18. Random "let's all play nice, guyz!" post
  19. Patronizing "my Marvel-fu is greater than yours" post
  20. Random "I don't care about your problems and don't like you so you shouldn't argue" post
  21. Uses two or more of her puppets to support a mod decision or laugh at a mod joke
  22. "DO AS I SAY, NOT AS I DO"
  23. Speaks Ex Voto to a bunch of people who don’t care
  24. Posts a question as an alt that only her other alts would give a ripping shit about
  25. Makes patronizing comment about the superiority of monogamy
  26. Claims knowledge she patently does not have
  27. Hates and is hateful to one character of a player she dislikes while loving another character of the same player without knowing it and refusing to acknowledge that fact, ever
  28. Makes painful misinterpretations of Buddhism ...
  29. ... and fails to execute aforementioned misinterpretations anyway
  30. Displays complete ignorance of Hinduism
  31. Goes off on some obscure tangent during a "discussion"
  32. Refuses to reveal her secret sources that somehow allow her access to all sorts of locked thread
  33. Plays up whatever aspect of Kali is convenient for her bitching needs, and forgets about it later
  34. Posts an answer in a question solely to speak to a Marvel character who actually answered
  35. Gives a really lame, obviously made up on the spot excuse for something she yelled at someone else for but she herself is guilty of (e.g. "my necklace is made of doll parts!")
  36. Says or refers to "the mods" even though she's the only mod left
  37. Makes obvious reference to the "CC"/"rat pack"/"Nexus Mafia"
  38. Sucks up to Rosie even though she used to hate her
  39. Pretends she's laughing derisively at her critics when in fact she's probably huddled in a corner crying (hey, if HERMES and HIPPOLYTA made her cry, I'd apparently make her slit her wrists)
  40. Dies laughing at something that ... pretty much isn't funny
  41. Uses overexaggerated Irish accent for Siryn (don't cheat, you can only use this one ONCE)
  42. Refuses to admit that anything she does could be interpreted in a negative fashion
  43. Fails to respond to criticism because she's afraid of the person who gave it

And here's your KALI'D board!

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