Kage 101 (Wapanese)

From Badrp

When you're getting infamous for your long, sanctimonious sermons on sexuality, perhaps it might be time to examine the idea you are neither radical nor interesting. Everyone knows better than to set Shadowsider off, which is sometimes why they do it -- not something I commend, but I'm not saying I would be wholly above it either, if peeved enough.

Ah, see, you can't judge ShadowsiderKage, he'sshe's from another world entirely. Your crude earth language contains no words to adequately describe how completely different he is from a normal HYOO-MAN.

Thanks for ... stopping. Really. You can stop now.

No really. You can stop.

When you find yourself having to explain your IC actions OOCly, a lot? Maybe it's not everybody else's fault. Maybe it isn't that everyone is mean to you, but that you're completely oversensitive to everything. Maybe it isn't that people don't understand you, but that you're not making any sense. Maybe it's not a matter of which is true, but that you start considering these ideas before crying like a little bitch about how mean everyone is. Just CONSIDER them. Just THINK ABOUT IT for like, three minutes. That way things like this, the ironic juxtaposition of two public entries from your personal journal, don't have to happen:

Good god, this is frightening. Frightening in its stupidity, I mean. The horrid pain of the artiste. Hasn't anybody told Kate that, uh, there is a difference between IC and OOC for a reason? That RPing is not for therapy? That she needs to calm down and stop taking things so seriously? Yes? Oh, right, that's the point of this entire fucking site. That, and I'm a mean old Norwegian man! With no teeth!

You are not supposed to use RP as a means of vicarious romance with someone else. You are allowed to cry over your character, yes, but not because YOU are your character. There are not enough sporks in the world, especially considering this wangsty entry two months prior.

Oh, it is indeed to laugh. Hard. And then cry, because Shadowsider is apparently the father of two kids. He BRED. Good fucking god. As if humanity wasn't already doomed.

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