I just want to play (Kali)

From Badrp

From this public now locked entry:



Ok, this has gone on long enough.

Please stop trolling this journal anonymously with your opinions on Wade and Terry and how he "belongs" to someone else and how Terry and I are bad, bad, bad. It's so very obvious that it's one of five or so people. I've had to disable anonymous commenting now.

I am done with this. I've said very little about this whole vomit of ugly from your corner of the internet from the Gang of Two + friends and tried to go about my way after some private, and no doubt defensive and self-righteous sounding, hand wringing to a few people. In other words, I had my drama queen fit PRIVATELY.

But right now I am upset. Aren't you people done with your hate yet, talking out of one side of your mouth about how it all should end and oh, I'm not doing anything more, and then spewing more vitriol in other quarters?

Someone DIED last night, a friend of mine. Isn't that enough perspective for you to get a grip about what's important in life? You know I have another friend sick with cancer, because a bunch of you snoop on my personal LJ, and you still continue this? What does that say about you? Please get some perspective, because I'm sure trying to.

Do you really need to be caught up in this still? And you can also stop taking potshots at me on journals that we have mutually friended. Yes, I've been ignoring it, but today I've had enough.

I am done. Let it rest, please. I just want to play. You're driving away people that see drama, rightfully don't care what it is, but because they perceive an environment tinged with any drama at all, they leave.

Please, please, be done.


Bitch, please.

First of all, that is the LAMEST made up "stop trolling me! *emotear*" post ever. NO ONE GIVES A SHIT ABOUT WADE/TERRY OR WADE/HIPPOLYTA. We love Wade, we love Hippolyta, they're two great flavors that taste awesome together (ew, mental imagery ... run away, run away!) but no one is going to fucking have a cow about it ..................... except you.

And PLEASE. It's very tasteless to keep milking someone's death to make -- sorry, to try to make yourself look better. There are real people that care about Kielle, and as I speak? They're not online. They're off in the real world being sad, or if they ARE online, they're in chatrooms with old friends, remembering and talking.

See, when you say, "let it rest" and "I just want to play," you really mean, "stop pointing out bad things about me" and "stop abandoning my game by the truckload." That's the thing that kills me. You keep accusing all the people who are actually innocent bystanders -- contributors, but none of them have ever dared say a harsh word to you -- but you won't actually come talk to the people who are trashing your name. Gee, I wonder why.

From an actual friend of Kielle's:

height=20 You fucking god damn whore. A lot of people died last night, and you didn't even fucking know Kielle, so quit using her as your FUCKING TOTEM FOR GODDAMN PEACE. *seethes*

She even said it in her post on Sages that she didn't know Kielle that well.

*seethes* Fucking cunt doesn't even realise that Kielle subscribed to the 'Say as you will and carry a big fucking stick' club. She didn't believe in censorship and told you what she thought of you.


Uh ... huh? userinfo.gifdayofjudah had just finished scanning BRPS with my usual fine-toothed comb, and all she found was a rant that sounded suspiciously like it was about Kali. Again. We have never anonymously trolled Kali, though god knows the impulse was there.

Oh, silly Hermes-mun, trying to extend the olive branch by doing exactly what Kali requested in the post.

I see your fingers moving, but all I read is "wah, wah, wah." Let me offer up a suggestion, sweetie: if you've been trolled by one of Hermes-mun's friends or one of the mythical, ubiquitous "you and yours," perhaps you should start a website about it and gather complaints from everyone to simply record down the self-justifying evidence of your martyrdom.

Uh oh! Here comes Big Bad Dr. Strange-mun to point fingers and be mean! ........ or, you know. To offer condolences on a friend's death, to say he's sorry she's being bothered by anonymous trolls, and to point out that it probably wasn't the Coalition of Kali Haters who were responsible for this.

Or, as a friend put it:

Strange: "I'm sorry about shit. Don't let it get to you."

You know, that's really nice. I wish we COULD start over. Oh wait, I really fucking don't, because no matter how nice you are, you're still freaking insane and the power of Christ could not compel me to RP with you ever again. Feuding is idiotic. It also, however, implies that both parties are on equal ground. We're no angels, right. We're still winning the "separation between IC and OOC" thing.

What's this? ANOTHER person complaining about Sages? ... No, ironically, that's someone complaining TO Kali, about some other game. The irony, it hurts and stings.

Ah, here we have Kali backing up her claim about the fact that people like to troll her. Now why the hell would she give one that "could be taken either way" instead of, you know, one that would be solid proof? Because she DOESN'T HAVE ANY. Believe me, I cruise BRPS and I read every comment of posts that I think pertain to Kali, Daisie, Kate, or Delilah. I don't recall ANYBODY ever saying they anonymously troll the game OR the mods. You know why? Because they don't. As Ebonbird continues to point out. (thread now locked)

She coughs up the link, finally. Without any context. This would be the proper context, kthx.

When I first read the comment as Kali had quoted, she hadn't put the link up yet and I thought, "That quote sounds familiar ... I know I've read it. But I'm pretty sure it was meant as farce." Later, someone was wondering if it had been Ebonbird, and I said exactly what she said there. She wouldn't troll anonymously. She'd slap Kali in the face with an e-glove.

Honesty. It's refreshing, after so much of Kali's bullshit. Well, refreshing to me. Not to Kali, obviously. Let's take a look at her responses.

..... okay, does anybody else get this image of a hysterical Victorian lady with her mouth all flecked with foam? Seriously, what the fuck? Projecting much? Oh but wait, Kali doesn't DO negative feelings. She's like Pollyanna, she wants everyone to get along!

Also, funny how earlier, when someone she LIKES called her on the fact that using the term "ratpack," she agreed and said she was wrong. But as soon as Ebonbird comes along, out it comes again.

Ah, as of 9 PM Eastern, she'd already started to delete comments. Those are seriously weird questions to ask. Uh, YES, we're 100% certain it was you who trolled community.gif nexus_tales. I say "we" because I'm not even the MOD of community.gif nexus_tales and you used all your bajillion character accounts to comment on that unedited IRC log. Duh.

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