Drama drama drama (Daisie)

From Badrp

* Novak steps in, silently.
Daisie *the sitting room is empty*
* Novak looks around, and knocks on the nearest door, hoping it's Daisie's.
* Daisie glances at the door. "Who is it?"
Novak It's Novak.
Dream I laid out Rocky's errors in his behavior toward you, in the hope he might realize you had been wronged. He... asked if he was to be punished.
Daisie ...oh.
* Dream rubs Daisie's back gently, comfortingly.
Daisie Now isn't a good time, Novak.
Novak We need to talk, Daisie.
Daisie I don't feel like talking right now.
Novak Well neither do I, but I think we have too before something happens that neither of us'll like.
* Daisie frowns.
Novak I don't want to lose you as a friend and I'm afraid I will.
Daisie Dream, make him leave?
* Dream nods, kissing her brow gently. "I shall return in a moment, love."
* Daisie sits on the bed again.
Novak You can't always hide behind him, Daisie.
Daisie ...no.
Daisie I'll do it.
* Dream nods. "As you wish."
Novak If you are going to push me away, then at least do it yourself. Show me that I haven't wasted my time coming here.
* Daisie stands and goes to the door, opening it and glaring at Novak.
Novak Show me that you respect me still.
Daisie I /said/ I don't want to talk right now.
Novak Sometimes you can't always get what you want.
* Novak 's voice is expressionless; if not, hurt.
Daisie You've proven that quite expertly today.
Novak Am I the culprit, then?
Daisie Only to those who think my feelings are important. I doubt /you/ have any reason to feel poorly.
Daisie Get out.
* Novak looks at her, for a second, the expressionlessness is gone, and he /is/ truly hurt.
Daisie You don't want my help, remember?
Daisie So I won't offer it.
Novak No, I don't. But I still want to be your friend.
Novak I still care for you, and wish you well.
Novak I do think your feelings are important.
Novak But I don't want your help.
* Daisie bites back the lecture, just glaring, angry and hurt and quite close to forcing him gone.
* Novak would rather the lecture then the silence.
Novak I'm sorry I've done this to you, Daisie, if you can only take my apology.
* Daisie isn't taking requests at the moment.
Daisie I told you to get out, Novak.
* Novak nods, "I'm sorry, then." Before he disappears, Daisie can see a glistening tear streak down his cheek.
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