Venus df

From Asaction

real name: monica

[as] rank: superstar

reg date: 4/29/05

occupation: dispenser of pink sparklez, maker of SilentQuilts, smiter of spoilers, creatrix and protectress of E7 continuing discussion, instigatrix of Hohobet

RL occupation: wine nerd and beer snob, soon-to-be mom

goal in life: to become a fabulous jet-setting wine diva extraordinaire, and to be the mom all the kids want to hang out with

things i dig: mechs, boys who have mechs, green tea, rhone and alsatian varietals, sewing, sparklez, cajun food, trainspotting, electronica.

things i despise: peanuts, bad attitudes, spoilers, smog, recyclables that end up in the trash instead of the recycling, country rap, haters.

COMMENT BY bherman: Dragonlady will be the mom that all the kids want to hang out and party with ;) i can see it, cuz i know all

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