User:Josie eats babies

From Asaction

Real Name Josie
Registration Date August 03, 2007
Rank SwimVIP
Regulars Action Discussion

How Josie gets her babies

Despite leaving her native island Josie’s parents still believe in the tradition of feeding males to their daughters. Josie soon realized that babies were a delicacy and now eats them on a frequent basis. Sometimes when she cannot find abandon children in dumpsters she dresses up as an old women and kidnaps babies from the hospital. Other times she will go to an orphanage and adopt the child then eat it. Josie’s favorite method of getting children is sneaking into homes and just walking out the door with a sleeping infant. Usually the parents notice but they do not care because they are too busy making more babies. There has been times when Josie has been caught kidnappig a baby. This is where Lita Ford and Fritos come in singing popular 80’s hits such as “Time after time” “Like a virgin” “I melt with you” and the always-popular Devo song “Whip It”. This distracts the police and bystanders long enough for Josie to get away.

Random things about Josie

  • Josie gets nervous around real and fake swords. A boy once attacked her with a wooden sword and her parents kept the photographic evidence.
  • Josie writes fan fictions. Josie also hates the people who read them but at the same time loves them and wants to hug them.
  • Josie also writes Yuri fan fictions, but only when she’s not getting any love.
  • Josie loves hairspray. She’s the reason why there is a hole in the ozone layer
  • Josie hates crayons because they always break when she uses them.
  • Josie hates children under 16. They usually have sticky fingers and Josie hates sticky fingers because then you get stuck to unwanted things.
  • Josie has adopted twelve children and eaten eleven of them. One of them got lost on the way to the kitchen.
  • Josie has not spoken to Janis, her birth parents or emo Jose for years. She does get birthday and Christmas cards from them though. Sometimes she’ll send them kit kat bars.
  • The only meat Josie eats is babies.
  • Josie is a Pokemon master
  • Despite popular belief, Lita Ford is not Josie’s favorite singer. Her favorite singer is Karen O. of Yeah Yeah Yeahs. She once proposed to Karen O. and got no response.
  • Josie is too lazy to finish her wiki and left to watch a movie.
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